Year 5 Weekly Blog 03.11.23- Success is steady progress towards ones personal goals'

For what felt like longer than a week, we are back in school after half term and back straight into our learning. It was brilliant to see the children again, some looking very bronzed after their week abroad, and it was brilliant to see them just jump straight back into their learning. We have started many new topics across our curriculum so the children have been full of curiosity as they tackle many new tasks.

In English, our topic is myths and legends. We have been exploring some popular legend stories such as ‘The Loch Ness Monster’ and ‘George and the Dragon’. We have compared different legend stories to other books/films that relate to these and made connections between them.

In Maths, we are continuing with our topic of place value but have been exploring the world of decimals. W have been looking at tenths and hundredths and the value of these compared to the values we already know- such as ones, tens, hundreds etc.

As the weather continues to pour down, we were left with no choice but to have another indoor PE lesson. Some improvisation left us with some table tennis, HIIT stations and just dance.

Let’s Celebrate

Layla and Rafe for being focused and enthusiastic learners: As we have started the new half term, your focus has been super sharp during every subject we have covered this week, You are showing that you are really determined to learn and improve and you do this with such excitement towards your learning.

Brilliant job!

Erin for being a faithful learner: You haver not just been faithful this week but in everyday during our morning and lunchtime prayer. You are solemn, deep and respectful during our prayers and you really take that time to reflect.


  • Year 5 Assembly- Will take place on Thursday 9th November. The children will be performing the assembly twice, starting at 2:10pm and 2:35pm. If you haven’t done already, please can you bring in a coloured tie for which ever side you are on (red or blue).

  • Data Sheets- Please can all data sheets be brought back in ASAP. These were sent out earlier this week in a large envelope.

  • Football Tournament- The A Team have a football tournament on Tuesday. Details are available on the sports page.

  • Rememberance Poppies- We are still collecting home made poppies for our chapel display. These are to be water proof as they are to be hung up on the outside of the chapel.

  • Dance Festival- Will take place Monday 13th November. More information is available on the sports page.