‘In our togetherness, as a team, castles are built.’

It’s been another week of lots of excitement, smiles, joy and memories this week!

We have had a visit from the fire fighters, celebrated the grand opening of our brand new castle, and shared precious time with parents and families who came to play! The children have had such a successful year and this final weeks have been all about celebrating just how much they have achieved and making sure that they all feel incredibly proud - just as we do!

There are lots of pictures on this weeks blog - we hope you enjoy sharing these together!

Stay and Play!

What a wonderful way to end the Reception year by celebrating all of the childrens successes with parents and families! Thank you so much for coming and for all of your support throughout the whole year. The children were so proud to share this experience with your and we hope you enjoyed it too!

Our New Castle!

Last school year, each class designed a new piece of equipment that they would like for our outdoor area. The castle received the most votes and this week we were so excited when Mrs Gregan announced that it was open! We gathered together as a whole school family and the wonderful Mrs Hodges had the honor of cutting the ribbon. The children have already had lots of fun using it this week and we know it’s going to continue to be a popular area at playtimes.

Thank you for all of your support during our fundraising and sponsored events!

Let’s Celebrate!

All of our learning characters: Oscar!
Oscar, what an amazing Reception journey you have had. All of your teachers have noticed how hard you have worked to be like each of our school characters that’s why we couldn’t just choose one! It’s lovely to hear you talk about the different characters with such passion and that you have noticed just how much they have helped you to grow your brain.
We are so proud of you!
Well done Oscar!

Determined Sadie Spider: Annabelle!
Annabelle, it is simply wonderful to see how much you have enjoyed your Reception journey. You have taken on every challenge and new skill with brilliant determination and this has really helped you to grow your brain this year and get ready for Year 1! Keep up this brilliant determination and you will continue to have a brilliant journey through school.
Well done Annabelle!  

Butterfly Virtue - Intentional: Daniel!
Daniel, you are being so intentional with your actions and choices. You are really thinking about how positive choices impact yourself and others and you have been a wonderful role model for our class. Thank you for helping us all to recognise the importance of being intentional and making wise choices. It’s lovely to see that you have also noticed the positive impact and how proud it has made you feel.
Well done Daniel!

Important Notices & Polite Reminders:

  • Please send in a large plastic bag on Monday as we will be preparing the children’s work (literacy and phonics books), wellingtons and any belongings in their trays ready to take home on Tuesday. This will give us plenty of time to make sure all items have been returned! Thank you

  • Well done to Bamber who received the most house points this half term. They can wear their own yellow clothes to celebrate on Thursday 20th July.

  • As the weather is a little unpredictable at the moment please can you ensure your child has a sun hat and a rain coat in school everyday. Outdoor play is such a big part of our curriculum and we like to be outside as much as possible, even if it’s a little rainy!

    As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,
God Bless.

The Reception Team