Year 1 Weekly Blog 14.7.23 'Stand tall and be proud, be yourself, you are amazing!'

‘Stand tall and be proud, be yourself, you are amazing!’


As we approach the end of term I want to tell you how proud I am of everyone and to say a big thank you to yourselves and your children, for working so hard together to make such great progress. It has been such an amazing first year at Our Ladys.

Maths: This week we have been writing addition and subtraction equations, using a cherry part-part-whole digram, ensuring that the parts and the whole are in the right place.

Our train day out

On Tuesday we had our train trip, we were so lucky with the weather and enjoyed watching the train arrive at St Annes station. We had a ride on the minature railway, followed by an ice cream and a play in the park, what a treat! We then wrote a recount of our trip in English.

History: On Thursday we had a visit from Lytham Fire Brigade. This is linked to our topic the Great Fire of London. We enjoyed sitting in the fire engine and even got to use the hose. We started to learn about what London looked like in 1666, then discovered there was a fire, we have enjoyed watching different videos with magic Grandad being a class favourite.

Today we had a great fire of London day and did lots of great activities. We compared fire engines now and then, started to make wattle and daub panels and rebuilt the city of London in a way that would prevent the fire happening again.

Castle: On Thursday we opened Castle Hodges we listened to a story in it and enjoyed playing in there at break times.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees, two Sadie Spiders for their determination with their handwriting and for super spellings.

Henry is going home with these children for both having a great week and for excellent work in Maths and English, well done.

Reading Challenge: I am really sorry I didn’t get chance to sort out certificates today. It is our last week of certificates, Wednesday will be the last day to recieve a certificate as Thursday will be a very busy day.


  • Don’t forgot to bring in a coat just incase it rains, we try to get outside as much as possible.

  • Mass for Year 6 and Mrs Hodges: On Wednesday we will be walking to church to celebrate our fantastic Year 6’s and our caring, wonderful Mrs Hodges! Please make sure you have a waterproof with you just in case!

  • Please send in a large plastic bag on Monday as we will be preparing the children’s work, wellingtons and any belongings in their trays ready to take home on Tuesday. This will give us plenty of time to make sure all items have been returned! Thank you

  • We break up on Thursday 20th July at 2pm

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher