‘Your wings already exist, all you have to do is fly!’

What an exciting week Reception have had! From butterfly releases, a visit from the Year 6 buddies and a special morning in Year 1 to meet their new Reception teacher and spend some time in the class. It’s been another week of making wonderful memories so I will let the pictures do all the talking…

What have we been learning this week?

Literacy: This week we have been reading the story ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’. We’ve had great fun acting out the story and writing our own sentences. We learnt some new vocabulary and made up our own actions to help us remember what they mean: wandering, joyful, obstacle, courageous, tiptoe, panic, flee, hide - Reception can you show your grown ups at home?

This week in RE we continued to reflect on what it means to be part of God’s Family. We heard the story of St Peter and St Paul who shared the good news; “Jesus is alive, he wants you to be part of God’s family!”. We used our characters to build our own church and thought about how we can continue to share the news and follow in Jesus’s footsteps.

Understanding the World:
Over the last few weeks we have been closely observing our caterpillars as they have gone through their lifecycle. We have written up our observations and then waited patiently until it was time to release them!

Reception Stay and Play!

Thank you for your responses to the stay and play sessions. We have been able to accommodate everyone’s preferred session and are very excited to welcome you into our class again! Please arrive a few minutes before the session to allow time to sign in at the school office.
Thank you

Let’s Celebrate!

Determined Sadie Spider: Toby!
Toby, we have all been so impressed with your determination and positive attitude towards your writing this half term. You have really challenged yourself to take your time and have shown great care with your letter formation and handwriting; you’ve blown us away!. It was also brilliant to see how proud you have been and that you noticed just how much you can achieve with this positive and determined attitude.
Well done Toby!

Cooperative Roger Robin: Eliana!
Eliana, you are always so thoughtful and conscientious towards other people in the class. You notice when they might need help and do so without needing to be asked. You show great respect and care for our classroom and resources and you recognise how important it is to work together. Thank you for being a great member of our team and for always thinking of others.
Well done Eliana!

Butterfly Virtue - Intentional: Alfie!
Alfie, we have seen how driven you have been this half term. You have been intentional in your actions and really thought about how you can use these final few weeks to grow your brain even more ready for Year 1! This goal and drive has helped you to manage any distractions around you calmly and sensibly. This intentional attitude is going to give you a brilliant start to Year 1.
Well done Alfie!

Green Day

On Friday 14th July, children can come to school dressed in their own green clothes in support of our school’s Eco council who are on a mission to take care of our school grounds! We Kindly ask that each child brings £1 which will go towards the recycling facilities around school.
Thank you very much for your support.

Important Notices & Polite Reminders:

  • As the weather is a little unpredictable at the moment please can you ensure your child has a sun hat and a rain coat in school everyday. Outdoor play is such a big part of our curriculum and we like to be outside as much as possible, even if it’s a little rainy!

    As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,
God Bless.

The Reception Team