Year 1 Weekly Blog 7.7.23

What another incredibly busy week! Two school trips, sports day and a transition day. I am so proud of the children, they were brilliant on our school trips and tried their best on sports day. I can’t believe there are only 8 1/2 days left of school!

Today we had our transition into Year 2 the children came back with huge smiles and told me all about their morning. They all have a button and their challenge is to look after it and bring it back to school in September.

Maths: This week we have created our own subtraction number stories, and then used these to fill in their cherry part-part whole diagrams.

English: We have started to write the begining of our story and will continue it next week. Thank you for the amazing train homework,the children loved sharing their trains.

Geography/DT/Science: as part of our topic work we visited Ridgeway farm and went to St Annes farmers market. The children enjoyed both trips and asked wonderful questions. We learnt so much!

Sports Day:

Well done to Marsden who won overall. The children were amazing and enjoyedsports day. It was lovely to see so many grown ups supporting their children, the children loved seeing you. Thank you :)

St Annes Train Trip:

On Tuesday 11th July we are going to look at St Annes Railway station and walk to the front to ride the miniature train and have an ice-cream. This is linked to our English topic Trains. Please wear appropriate clothing for the morning as we will be outside, school uniform or PE kit and a coat, thank you.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees, two Clara Clownfishes for asking wonderful questions on our school trip and linking their learning.

Henry is going home with this person for a brilliant week in school, you have really been focused and were excellent on our school trips well done.

Reading Challenge: Well done to these children who received their certificates, there are so many that are very close, keep up the hard work :).

Green Day Friday 14th July

The Eco council are raising money for new general and recycling bins for the playground. Please bring a pound and wear green.


  • Preparing for the weather: As the weather is improving children are allowed to bring in a sunhat, which can be worn at break times and any sun cream that is brought in must be applied by the child themselves, roll on sun creams are easier to apply. We also ask that no sunglasses are to be brought into the school. Thank you.

  •  Please can you try and bring in healthy snacks for your children to eat at break times, we always have fruit in school that the children can have.

  • Please can you double check that all items of clothing are labelled.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher