‘See the light in each other. Be the light for each other.’

We have certainly made the most of the sunshine this week and have enjoyed lots of different activities on the field. Reception continue to amaze us with their kindness and empathy towards one another and how they are learning to be resilient and problem solve together. Nursery joined us too and it was lovely to see how proud Reception were to be role models for our younger children!

What have we been learning this week?

Maths: This week we have been exploring numbers that are ‘5 and a bit’ and have been looking at how these numbers can be represent on a double dice frame. We are getting so speedy with our number facts now and have been recognising amounts (e.g. patterns on a dice, how objects are grouped or arranged) all around the room! Challenge time: I wonder what amounts you can see at home or when you are out for a walk?

RE: This week we have been reflecting on the Easter story and thinking about Jesus’s resurrection. We enjoyed acting out the story to help us think about how Jesus and his disciples must have felt. Now we are busy re-telling the story which we will display and share in our RE floor book.

Let’s Celebrate!

Focused Cooper Crab - Arthur!
Arthur, you have been so focused in phonics and we can see how proud you are of your reading and that you are really enjoying it too! With this fabulous focus you will continue to grow in confidence, we are very proud of you. Keep up this brilliant focus and keep practising.
Well done Arthur!

Focused Cooper Crab - Ruby!
Ruby, you recognise how being a focused Cooper Crab can help you to grow your brain and you are always ready for a new learning challenge. It’s lovely to see how much you are enjoying your learning journey and sharing your ideas with your peers. Keep up this brilliant focus and you will continue to have an exciting learning journey ahead!
Well done Ruby!

Butterfly Virtue Award: Discerning - Leo P
Leo, you have been thoughtful about the choices we can make in our class and how these choices can help us as individuals and as a team. You have been demonstrating all of our learning characters and it’s been wonderful to see how proud you are of yourself and of others. Your confidence continues to shine and it’s lovely to see how much you are enjoying Reception.
Well done Leo!

Important Notices & Polite Reminders:

As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Have a lovely weekend,
God Bless.

The Reception Team