Year 5 Weekly Blog 12.05.23- ' Pressure makes diamonds'

It may have only been another 4 day week but the children have crammed in so much learning throughout the week. The children have been really engaged across all of our subjects this week, starting with English as we focus on newspaper journalism. The children have been learning the features of a newspaper and have been analysing some old newspaper articles to find these features. We will be linking this to our class novel, The Windrush Child, in which the children have already come up with some brilliant headlines.

We have continued with fractions in Maths and have been comparing fractions with different numerators and denominators whilst also linking this back to our adding and subtracting of mixed number fractions.

With the Year 6’s finishing their SAT’s this week, lots of pressure would of been flying around so we focused on ‘Feeling Under Pressure’ this week in HRE. We looked at what this means and the different types of pressure we go through in everyday life. The children analysed different drama scenarios and also created their own to display the different types.

In Geography, we finished our topic of rivers by looking at the formation of a waterfall and how erosion changes its formation. The children also created some fact files on some of the most famous waterfalls in the world such as Niagara Falls, Angel Falls and Iguazu Falls.

In Science, we have continued experimenting with light and continued building on our knowledge of how light travels in straight lines and how it reflects off objects. We tested if we could direct light in particular directions by reflecting off mirrors.

Let’s Celebrate

Tabby for being an enthusiastic learner: Tabby, it is common for this time of year for children to lose focus in their lessons but your level of concentration and enthusiam has maintained. I an always pick you out at any point during the lesson and you will be ready to answer the question. Brilliant work and keep this up for the remaining half term!

Leon for being a focused and co-operative learner: Leon, your change in focus and attitude towards your learning has blown your teachers away. You are engaging in all of our lessons and have shown some wonderful co-operation skills by being kind to your classmates and wanting to work in group activities. This has also allowed you to take more care with your work with your handwriting improving massively. Keep this up!

Anncia for being discerning: Anncia, you are someone who lives and breathes this virtue. Not a single child or teacher has a bad word to say about you because you are always making the right choice.


  • Trip to Winter Gardens- Will take place on Thursday 15th June to see Cressida Cowell. Travel has been orgainised and we are finalising the payments, which are to be released on parent pay in the upcoming week.

  • Music- Will be back to normal on Monday so children are to bring in their clarinets.

  • Homework- Deadline is on a Thursday with Friday being available for children who have forgotten their homework. We have a homework club on Fridays for children to catch up on their homework, which is to prepare them for Year 6.

  • LSA Open Evening- Lytham St Annes High School will be hosting an open evening for Year 5 families on Thursday 22nd June. A flyer which includes more details about the evening is currently being made and will be sent out to all parents as soon as possible.