‘If you dream it, you can do it.’

What a wonderful first week back and Reception have returned with even more enthusiasm and determination!

This week, we have been busy practising our class assembly which has been a lovely opportunity for us to reflect on just how far we have come during our Reception journey so far. We have looked back at pictures, discussed our many achievements and the children clearly felt a huge sense of pride - as did we! They are so excited to share their assembly with you on Tuesday, we know you’ll be extremely proud too!

Please take a look at the important notices section below as this has some information regarding our class assembly and an upcoming trip.

What have we been learning:

Phonics: Reception have so much enthusiasm for reading and it is a skill they are very proud of. As we continue with phonics over the next few weeks, our focus is on accuracy of reading and then increasing the speed. By using the ‘special friends, fred talk, read the word’ strategy children will be able to decode unfamiliar words, as they build their confidence with this we use ‘fred in your head’ to increase speed. Hopefully you enjoyed some of the QR code activities over the Easter break, these codes will be valid for 10 months so it’s a great opportunity to continue practising these skills at home.

Maths: This week in Maths we have continued to explore composition of numbers and have explored making our own arrangements of 6. We thought about the different parts and challenged our partners to describe how we had made our arrangement using positional language such as left, right, top, bottom, middle, opposite etc.

Topic: This term we are diving into a new topic ‘water’ and the children have already been busy sharing what they already know and thinking about what we would like to find out. There have been lots of ideas and we just know it’s going to be an exciting topic! Please see below for a topic challenge!

Challenge time!

Reception are very excited for their new topic - water - and have been sharing some things that they know already.
They decided that this would be a great opportunity to do some investigating and become detectives!

Reception - your challenge is to do some research with a grown up at home and find 1 interesting fact about water that you can share with the class. You can be as creative as you like and think about how you might display, present or share this interesting fact in class. You might want to build a model that explains your fact, you could draw a picture and write your fact like a fact file, you might even want to make a video like a news report!
Please bring you interesting fact into school by Thursday 27th April (or if it’s ready before that’s fine too!).

We cannot wait to share these in class!

Let’s Celebrate!

Co-operative Roger Robin: Liana
Liana, you are a caring friend and this week you have really been thinking about others. You have created some very exciting role play games that lots of friends wanted to play and when you noticed this, you created other roles and parts so that they could join in too! It has been wonderful to watch such lovely group play and we could see that your were thinking about how you could solve any ‘problems’ in a fair way. Thank you for bringing so much fun and creativity to our classroom and for being a caring friend.
Well done Liana!

Co-operative Roger Robin: Momo
Momo, we are so lucky to have you join us in Reception because you have brought even more joy and laughter into our classroom. We can see that you have already made some lovely friendships and you have shown that you are a kind, caring and co-operative friend. You have such an exciting learning journey ahead and we know you will be a wonderful role model. Thank you for bringing so much joy and kindness into our classroom.
Well done Momo!

Butterfly Award - Generous: Olivia He
Olivia, you have shown so much care and kindness towards our new friend this week. You have been very generous with your time and have shown her all of the areas of our classroom, even taking the time to sit and read a story together. Thank you for being such a good friend and for always being generous.
Well done Olivia!

Important Notices & Polite Reminders:

  • Reception’s assembly is on Tuesday 25th April. There will be two opportunities for you to watch, either 9:10 or 9:35. Please could the children bring their PE shorts as they will need to wear these for the assembly. Don’t forget to have another practise of lines at home this weekend, thank you for your support!

  • As part of our Ranger School experience, Reception will be going on a trip to Fairhaven Lake on Friday 28th April. Our wonderful kitchen team will be making us a packed lunch so the children will need a small back pack that they can carry this is. If your child has a pair of gardening gloves at home, please could they bring these too. As always, we have our fingers crossed for sunny weather but please make sure your child has a suitable coat and suitable shoes just incase!

  • On Friday 5th May the school will be joining together to have a picnic in celebration of King Charle’s coronation. Please see Mrs Gregans newsletter to book a special coronation lunch for your child.

    As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Have a love weekend,
God Bless.

The Reception Team