Year 2 Weekly blog 28th April - Dream big, work hard and make it happen!

We have a jam packed week in Year 2 - I cannot believe the amount we have achieved - the children have earned their long weekend!

In PE on Monday the children worked on their hopping skills through lots of fun games - throwing bean bags and retrieving them in a hop! Clearing beanbags in a game called ‘Get out of my garden’, it was a lesson full of bouncy children, laughs and smiles!
On Wednesday we continued the hopping theme playing hopscotch, then played a game called Queenie. The children loved this game and have been playing it on the playground at playtimes.

Focus, focus, focus! You could hear a pin drop in the year 2 classroom during our maths lessons this week, the children have been super focused and worked extremely hard. We’ve had some tricky work adding and subtracting 2 digit number crossing tens, but the children have taken it in their stride and mastered it.

In computing we’ve looked at the artwork of impressionists, picking out the features of their work then applied this to our own digital artwork on Purple Mash - I’m sure you will agree the results are amazing.

Our Aladdin topic in English has continued this week, we’ve focused on Aladdin character in the first chapter of the story and been surprised to find that Aladdin has not been portraited as a good character at all. We sang along to the song picking out the words that described Aladdin and added them to our role on the wall. We’ve also picked out tricky word in the text and used word hippo to find their meanings before putting them in our own sentences.

Class worship was led this week by Lettie, Louie and Hugo - the theme was hope. It was a good time for us to reflect on the hopes we had at the beginning of the school year, what we had achieved and what we hoped to achieve in the final part of our year 2 journey.

In science the children were excited to take a close look at seeds and bulbs. We talked about what seeds and bulbs need to grow and what the parts of a plant were called. We’ve started making mini greenhouses, next week we will be putting beans inside them so we can observe them growing roots and sprouting.

Next Wednesday we will be visiting St Annes library, if the children would like to bring their library cards to borrow a book please send them in. Please ensure they come to school with a coat, we’re hoping for lovely weather but its been so unpredictable lately and although it looks lovely and bright it can be a bit chilly.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!


Fletcher have had an amazing week! You have been focused and ready every lesson and it makes a real difference to your learning. You are taking ownership of your learning and showing me that you are thinking about what you need to do to achieve your very best and end the year feeling proud.

Mia- Grace

Mia- Grace you have really shone these last couple of weeks, adults around school are noticing how hard you are working and the effort you always put in making sure you do the very best work you can. I am very proud of you.

This week’s Star Readers are Anna, Albert, Mia- Grace, Heath and Jackson.


Our PE days are now Monday and Wednesday
School closed Bank Holiday - Monday 1st May
Library Visit - Wednesday 3rd May
Coronation Picnic - Friday 5th May
School closed Bank Holiday - Monday 7th May

Reminder - We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

Have a lovely long weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher