Journey to the Cross
This week, we have began our easter assembly preparations by looking into the Stations of the Cross in our RE lessons. The children were able to retrieve most of the fourteen stations before we even started our discussions. We then placed these in order and matched these with their correct illustration.
We also finished creating our beatitudes and we have been blown away by the children’s beautiful choice of words and ways of wanting to live. Big shoutout to Mrs Tierney for bringing this to life in one of our school boards.
This week, we have been learning…
Maths- We have been back onto the children’s favourite method of ‘the bus stop’ in our division topic. The children are feeling so much more confident with this and have been taking extra care with their presentation to help make their jotting clearer.
Science- we have been experimenting with air resistance by analysing how this force applies to a parachute. We broke into teams and designed our own parachute and dropped these to test the timing and safety of them- don’t worry, no child was used in any parachute attempt.
Geography- We have began our new geography unit of different figure map referencing. We have been able to apply our previous knowledge from our world’s countries and continents topic to our world map to precisely plot locations.
French- We have been applying our geography knowledge into our French by looking at French directions and using these to hunt for treasure.
Conversation starters
My Happy Mind- We have been discussing what our top strength is and sharing how often we show this strength. Tell your family members when and where you used this strength. Can they think of any other examples of when you have used this strength recently?
Geography- We have been using grid references to locate specific locations within some rural towns in England. We looked at towns that belong in different counties of England. There are 48 counties in England, how many can you and your family name?
Let’s Celebrate
Learning Certificate- Gus for being a enthusiastic and determined learner. You have taken to the bus stop method like a duck to water Gus. It is clear to see that you have put in the work at home prior to us starting this unit and it is paying off! No matter how hard of a question I throw at you, you have been able to over come it.
Virtue Star of the Week- Our star of the week goes to Matilda. You are so grateful Matilda- Even for the smallest of opportunities. Your manners are impeccable and you are so generous towards everyone in our class- children and teachers included. We are so grateful for this!
Homework- Please check the homework blog to keep on track of your child’s SPAG, multiplication and division practice and also their reading.
Wednesday 19th March Schoolastic Book Fair- From this date until the following Wednesday, the hall will be open at the end of the day for the chance to buy a book at our annual book fair sale.
Friday 21st March ‘People We Love Planters’- Our forest school leaders are hosting, in association with ‘Leafy Lytham’, a planting session where the children can take these home. If your child would like to take part, please complete the payment on ParentPay.
Friday 21st March Easter Egg donation- Own clothes day and bring an Easter egg for our raffle.
Wednesday 2nd April- School Photo Day
Friday 4th April Reconciliation- Our Year 5 and 6 children will be given the opportunity for reconciliation by having confessions with our Father Peter in the lead to up to our lent preparations. This is usually done in high school but yourIf you would not like your child to participate then please let Mr Cornwell, Mrs Gregan or the school office know.
If your child is likely to attend St Bedes High School. They are given the opportunity to make their sacrament of confirmation. We have been given the opportunity to do this when the children get to Year 6. Please complete the form below to choose which option you would like for your child.
Thursday 10th April Crucifixion Assembly- This will be held at school around 9:10am
Monday 28th April- We will be taking a visit to The Grand in Blackpool to watch our wonderful Year 4 children in their Shakespeare production of ‘The Tempest’- travel costs have been uploaded to ParentPay.