Year 5 Weekly Blog 13.02.25- ‘ The love that flows through your heart will purify your spirit’- St Valentine

What an end to our first half term of 2025. With our religious theme being the ‘Pilgrimage of Hope’, as a school, we went on our own pilgrimage to Church to celebrate this and to officially bring in the new year with Father Peter. To spread hope, love and kindness consistently throughout your life can be tricky and to live within all the beatitudes is even harder. Our focus this week in our RE lessons has been Pier Giorgio, known as ‘the boy of the beatitudes’, and evaluating his life into why he later became a saint.

This week, we also celebrated ‘Online Safety Day’. We were lucky enough to take part in BBC’s live lesson which included some interactive tasks along with some very important information. This years theme was ‘Too good to be true’ with us looking into how to spot potential scams online.

Our third enrichment session of the year took place with Year 5 grafting hard outside in a painting/gardening session with Mrs Hotchkiss and Mrs Mather.

This week we have also been learning…

  • English- Writing our independent sci-fi story based on the plot of E.T

  • Maths- using our mastery of number skills to apply these to bigger square number questions and recapping factors and primes.

  • Science- Putting our space knowledge to the test in an end of unit Kahoot quiz.

  • Music- Blending colours with music by listening to the instrumental versions of popular songs and associating these with particular colours.

Conversation starters

My Happy Mind: Now we have finished our ‘apricate’ module in My Happy Mind, is there anything or anyone who you are more grateful for now then 6 weeks ago?

Class Novel: Our class novel takes place in 1950’s Britain in which the children have started to realise that certain rules/laws were different back then. Are there any big rule/law changes that your parents or grandparents have lived through. If so, what do they think of these changes? Have they worked out for better or worse?


  • Homework- Please check the homework blog and keep helping your child with any work that they are struggling with- especially our spellings. It is important to make sure we are reading for at least 15 minutes a day at home to keep broadening our vocabulary, description and sentence structure.

  • Class Library- After a huge clear-out and revamp of our school library, we have started to rebuild our own class library in Year 5. Book series seem to be really popular and we have discussed some of the children’s favourites. If have any old series of books that you would recommend to read , then we would hugely appreciate any donations. Please ask your parents before bringing any books in to donate.

  • PE Days- Our PE days have changed slightly with our outdoor session being on Mondays and our indoor session on Wednesdays.

  • Fidget Toys- If this has not been discussed with your class teacher, then any sort of fidget toys are not to be brought into school. Please can bags be checked incase these have been left in from the weekend. Trading cards and chewing gum should also be kept at home.

  • Half Term- School will then reopen Tuesday 25th February.

  • Trip to Manchester Friday 28th February- This will take place during the first week after half term. Details regarding payment are live on parent pay. Children will in their normal school uniform and will have to be in school around 8:30am. Depending on traffic, we should be back at school between 3:30-4:00. A text will go out to parents as soon as we get back on the M55 when travelling back to school.

  • Trip to The Grand- During the next half term, we will be going to watch Year 4’s performance of their Shakespeare production at the Grand in Blackpool. We will be using public transport for this trip so the cost of the ticket has been uploaded to Parent Pay.

  • Lenten Boxes- Please check the homework blog in regards to lenten boxes for our Year 1 buddies.