Painting and Mixed Media- Colour Splash!

And so we come to the end of another half term. I cannot believe we are half way through the school year! This half term, our focus has been on painting and mixed media and how we can incorporate this into our work.. The children have had so much fun exploring what mixed media is and how it can be used to create a piece of art. We have focused on the three Primary Colours and how they can be used to create Secondary colours. We have experimented in so many different ways as to how this is possible! We have learned that adding more of one colour, will determine the shade of secondary colour. We have looked at works by Jasper Johns and Clarice Cliff to inspire us to recreate their methods used, enabling the children to bring their artistry to life and create a wonderful piece of art. Next half term, we will be moving on to Sculpture and 3D and Craft and Design.