And so we come to the end of another half term. I cannot believe we are half way through the school year! This half term, our focus has been on painting and mixed media and how artists use an array of media to produce a finished piece. We have been looking at various artists from David Hockney to John Singer Sargent, studying their inspiration behind their work - there is a story to tell behind every piece of art. To deepen understanding, we have been reasoning why certain colours were used to add effect, shared our opinions on how they make us feel and justifying our reasoning. The children have recreated art works in response to their studies. Group work has aided in collaborative compositions which were photographed and then gone on to form the basis of their own artwork. As we continue this unit after the half term, we will share opinions on how they make us feel and why. They will then draw on the artists for inspiration to plan and compose their own piece using media of their choice.
Once completed, we will then move on to Electrical Systems - Steady Hand Game.