Year 2 blog Friday 26th April "A plague on both your houses!"

This week we read one of St Pauls’ letters. This helped us to understand that the Holy Spirit, given in love, comes with a whole host of gifts. We reflected on these and asked God to open our hearts to them in poetry. Later in the week we investigated Paul a little further and discovered he was originally an enemy of the Christians. He was called Saul and his behaviour was cruel. Then on his way to Damascus he was stricken down and blinded - it was at this moment he heard the words of Jesus. Saul then experienced the loving compassion of the Apostles and Christians and he realized that he loved Jesus and had to tell everyone about him. We also discovered that Paul’s letter are regularly read out at Mass on Sunday. Secretly, on the side, we were also making a gift for Father Peter, it was an exciting secret as we joined the whole school/parish community to celebrate his 50 years as an ordained priest - Our Shepherd. He was super surprised by all our beautiful handmade gifts.

Below is a picture of this weeks worship group leading us in prayer. They chose a reading in which Jesus tells us not to worry. The children shared worries and we ask for the strength to know that Jesus is always with us - helping us everyday.


This week the children have discovered the wonderful world of SHAKESPEARE. As a Royal Shakespeare Associate school we immerse a class in one of Shakespeare’s plays. This is done through active drama approaches. This year we have placed a Shakespeare week into Year 2 for the first time. The children have LOVED IT! We have explored Romeo and Juliet and the themes of hate and love. We have staged the opening fight scene and then key moments in the play, including the masquerade ball and the death of Tybalt! You will notice in the pictures our scarf swords and masquerade masks. On Friday we invited staff form other schools to see what is possible when teaching Shakespeare in KS1.

Further learning included multiplication problems and shape exploration. In science we returned to the outside to investigate living things once more now the season has changed. 19th century games were played in PE with Mr Nay and in music we explored “The Planets” by Gustav Holsts. In RHSE we reflected on learning that took place at the beginning of the year - “What is a good secret and what is a bad secret?” Miss Neves inspired us to be creative with paint and “show and tell” rounded off a very creative week!

Delving deeper conversation starter

Every week I’m going to give you a question you can explore together at home. This could be over the dinner time as a family, at bedtime, on a walk or even in the car. Together we can help the children to understand more about themselves or others.

What did you love about Shakespeare? What made it so exciting?


Wise and Learned butterfly:

Xander for you beautiful, prayerful approach to our Children’s worship

Growing our Brains!- Certificates

This week the certificates went to two children who demonstrate many of the learning characters every week. Both children are resilient, focused, creative and brave! Well done:

Luca and Wren

Lunchtime Awards:

Role Model- Jacob and Marvellous Manner Xander


PE days remain the same - shorts on Thursday (essential for gym).

Coats the weather has been nippy, please bring coats. We are measuring the temperature each day and the children enjoy this.

Have a wonderful weekend form the whole Year 2 team

“It’s not in the stars to hold our destiny but ourselves” W. Shakespeare