Year 2 weekly blog Friday 15th March "The wildlife and its habitat cannot speak, so we must and we will" - Theodore Roosevelt.

What a week! I know I say that a lot, but just wait until you see our magic moments!!

In RE this week we came together as a team to work on our Palm Sunday Assembly. This assembly should be full of joy as the people welcomed Jesus back to Jerusalem. We are dancing, singing, acting and speaking - we do hope you will come next week. I have attached the lines to learn here and on the homework blog. We are only able to practise twice next week (Monday and Thursday) so we really need to master those lines this weekend - thank you!


The children have shown a deep curiosity l for creatures living in the microhabitats around school - under logs in the compost and raised beds. Why not search your garden or a relatives to see what you can find. If you have a magnifying glass (apps available) use it to observe the creatures. Don’t forget we always put living things back into their natural habitat. I have attached the identifying sheet we made in school to help us to name the things we found.


As I do most weeks I write this blog on Thursday evening. Because of this, the pictures of our trip to the zoo are not included but I will do a special post next week.

We took part in the following learning: Team games with Mr Cornwell (enrichment lessons); wrote pages for a factual book all about penguins; learnt all about micro and macro habitats; went into the school garden (micro-habitat) and searched for and identified creatures; wrote our own notation and melody in music; one of our maths lessons had 8 teachers from others schools watching and sharing our learning; we learnt about apostrophes for contractions to! Not to mention the work we did on our assembly plus we went to the zoo!!!


This week our grow your brain certificates went to:

Jacob - well done Jacob for being resilient with your written work and listening so attentively in all your other lessons. Your mental maths is super too!!

Patrick - we could not be prouder of your positive and determined approach to all your learning particularly in maths. Keep going you’re doing wonderfully!

Dinner awards (below)- Marvellous Manner and Role Model:


We will be walking down to church on Wednesday morning next week with our Year 5 partners. each class attends Mass during Lent. We need 4 volunteers (parents or grandparents) - please drop me a line -

Parents evening (take two) - looking forward to meeting the rest of our parents on-line next Wednesday.

Year 2 assembly - next Friday 22nd March 9:15am. Can I remind you that there is only one performance for the Easter Assembly.

School finishes Thursday 28th March 2pm

Have a lovely weekend form the Year 2 team!