In RE this week we turned to the school’s CHARTER. Here Mrs Gregan has set us faith challenges. One of these is to connect with our parish family. We needed to visit the parish coffee morning and spend time with members of our parish family. Today was the day! In preparation for this exciting trip out - we made prayer beads. In class we learnt how to make one for ourselves and then we prepared envelopes each with the items to make another. These we shared at the parish centre. We enjoyed guiding everyone on how to make the prayer beads and then leaving these as gifts. A massive thank you to the adults who joined us for this lovely event.
We have started staging the play! We have managed to do the first three scenes. I cannot thank everyone enough for ensuring your child knew their lines - everyone was terrific! Please keep practicing so we become super confident! In English this week we wrote independently - all about a silly wolf in the wrong fairytale. I marked the work and we then edited it. After that we redrafted the work in our every best handwriting to display it in our book corner! We have found maths tricky this week - we have been solving word problems and identifying wholes and parts in the text - not easy. We did persevere and we are all in a better place. In History we had a visit from Florence Nightingale. The children were excited to meet her and to ask lots of questions - why on earth did she go to such a dangerous place? Once she had left Aubree suggested that Florence was really me as she had spotted my “grey” hair under the hat! If it was me - I showed off my acting skills very well! In PE we had fun playing “Queenie” and in DT Mrs Mather had a wonderful time rolling small structures to make one large structure which could bare weight! Music is taken up with our singing and we learnt that your character can be developed. If we keep being kind neuroplasticity works and we learn how to do it naturally. Finally, on Wednesday St. Annes fire fighters came to visit and they taught us so much about fire safety.
Fire Safety
Florence Nightingale
The children have listened with care to the fire fighters. Time now to talk to you about what they have learned. Do you have a fire safety plan at home? I have attached the leaflets and placed a picture here of the poster the children were given. These items should have come home to you. Use them to guide your conversation
This week our learning awards went to:
Leo P for your bravery and perseverance.
Rhys - for your resilience with your writing and for the excellent understanding you showed in science!
Our Virtues this week went to Reyan - thank you for being intentionally kid espcially towards your teachers they really do notice
Lunchtime awards
Role Model Oscar and Marvelous Manner Benjamin T
Next week, on Friday, we will be off to Blackpool Zoo. Please ensure your child has their PE kit on with comfy trainers, a warm coat and hat. Packed lunch if they do not have a school dinner school will be providing a packed lunch. Water bottles will be taken so we will need our back packs.
PE CHANGE - Mrs Hotchkiss will be away on Tuesday and Mrs Carragher, Mrs Carter and Miss Slater will be with the class. PE will need to move to Thursday week - sorry for the inconvenience.
Have a lovely weekend!