Welcome to nursery

Welcome to nursery everyone!

It has been such a lovely week, God even sent us the sunshine to enjoy. The children have enjoyed their first week even though there may have been a few wobbles.

Everyone has explored both the indoor and outdoor learning environments and we are trying very hard to remember where everything lives and the routines of the day. There is sooo much to think about.

Each week I will be writing a blog to let you know what we have been learning at nursery along with any key information you will need to know. Also, your childs key person will be posting images along with details of the weeks learning, and maybe some activities for you to try at home.

I have some housekeeping information for you:

  • When bringing and collecting your child could you pleas wait at the main gate and a staff member will come to greet you. We are endeavouring to make the children as independent as possible in readiness for school. On that note School Admissions for September 2024 is now open online www.lancashire.gov.uk/schools or call 01524 581148. The closing date is the 15th January 2024.

  • Could each child please bring one piece of fruit or veg for each session that they attend (two for a full day). We are encouraging the children to eat fresh fruit or vegetables as part of our healthy eating commitment. Please no sugary snacks, such as cereal bars etc.

  • We are getting in muddle with belongings. Could you please make sure that anything that comes into nursery is clearly labelled.

  • Each child will require an Our Lady’s book bag. Our entrance is no big enough to house large back packs and they are causing a tripping hazard. Bags can be purchase for Top Marque on Park Road St. Annes.

    Sorry to nag…..

This week the children have LOVED singing the Little Rabbit Foo story. I promised them that I would put it on the blog for you to listen to at home. Click here to watch and listen. Enjoy!!!!

Emma’s Blog

Hello everyone,

What a fantastic first week we have had. It has been lovely to hear what you have been up to over the summer break and getting to know our new children.

We have been very busy in the garden playing in the water, cooling down whilst having lots of fun. 

The children have really loved digging for the potatoes that have grown over the summer, and we found lots of different sizes. The children were so proud.

The children have also loved exploring the sand and were digging and creating roads, tunnels, and mud pies, which I was told I must REALLY eat! You can imagine I really enjoyed that!

We have started talking about our feelings, looking at the Colour Monster book. Click here to listen. We used the colours from the story to choose a coloured pom pom to show how we were feeling.

There were lots of loving and happy feelings going into our jar, which was great to see. I have attached a feelings song for you to watch, I hope you enjoy it.

I am looking forward to our next week of fun, and fingers crossed that the sun will still be shining.

Have a super weekend, and enjoy the kite festival if you are planning to go.

Take care


Michelle’s Blog

What can I say, what a fantastic start to the new nursery year we have had!

It’s never easy, starting a new place, especially when you are only 3 years old. But I have been so impressed with how all the new starters have started their nursery journey this week.

There has been so much to learn; where to put our bags and lunch boxes, when to tidy up and when to sit and listen at Carpet Kingdom. I’m sure all of you are just as pleased with your children as I am.

Getting to know each other and getting to know the nursery rhythm of the day has been our main focus this week and will be for another couple of weeks until all the rhythms of the day are embedded and come as second nature to the children. One thing that will make snack time easier for the children is if you make sure that your child has their snack separate to their lunch in their blue nursery bag. We have snack time both morning and afternoon so your child will need 2 snacks for a full day. Please can this be fruit or veg, as part of our nursey healthy eating policy. These go into the children’s drawers in the morning so please be mindful if using plastic boxes that they are not too big. We have started to give the children opportunities to be independent, such as putting their snack in their tray themselves and dispensing their own water at snack times. In order for the children to recognise their own bags at home time, we will be attaching labels with the children’s names on. Anything that you can do at home to help your child to recognise their name will be fantastic.

Apart from all that, we have also had lots of fun painting, squeezing the playdough, drawing and cutting, singing and dancing, gardening in the sunshine, lots of wet water play, working out tricky jigsaws and learning everyone’s names. No wonder we are all exhausted by Friday!

Have a fantastic weekend and we will see you next week for lots more super fun.


and a few extra from Justine….

I’m sure you will agree that we have all been very busy.

Drop in Session

This half term we will be holding our parent drop in session on Tuesday 19th September from 3.45- 4.45 pm. All the nursery team will be there for you to have a chat with. We look forward to seeing you.

Finally, to find our more about your childs learning and how you can help, click on the following links.

Development Matters

What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage: a guide for parents

Have the most lovely weekend and enjoy your time together as a family. I will see everyone bright eyed and bushy tailed on Monday for another fabulous week at nursery.

God Bless
