Year 2 weekly blog 8.9.23 - "And suddenly you know: It's time to start something new and trust the magic of new beginnings."

What a lovely start to our year we have had, with the sun shining it has given us all a huge smile as we have re settled into school life. We began our Monday as a whole school, sharing a beautiful worship led by Mrs Gregan. Our worship was all about the creation and the take away message was ‘to be kind’ this year. To act with kindness and love towards one another and our world, a task we will certainly take on in Year 2!

Following our time of prayer together, we returned to our classroom and we began to think about how we wanted our classroom to feel, what rules we felt were really important to us all, and together we have created our classroom rules which we are all working hard to follow.

On Tuesday we visited our school chapel, thinking all about our school mission statement, “You are precious in my eyes.” We listened to a lovely piece of scripture, all about how we are God’s friends, and he is here to guide and help us. We have each been given a special star, which has our mission statement on as a reminder, we have put these safely in our pencil cases for those moments when we might need that extra bit of help or courage from God.

We have also taken part in our first ART, SCIENCE and PE lessons, with great excitement!

Certificates: See our wonderful winner!!! So hard to choose!


You are all invited to our Induction evening on Wednesday 13th September. This will be much different to last year, starting at 3:30 and finishing at 5:00. We would love for your child to show you around their new classroom, and for you to become more familiar with our school. You will also be able discover more about the exciting opportunities and topics that they will be learning during their time in Year 2. We will be in the classroom to answer any questions you may have! More information, such as important forms that will need completing will be available soon so please do keep checking the Year 2 page.

Weekly Reminders

  • A reminder that all uniform should be clearly labelled, as well as your water bottle.

  • Our snack tray will be stocked each day with a choice of two fruits or vegetables, however you are most welcome to bring your own healthy snack for our morning breaktimes.

  • We kindly ask that you bring in sun cream (labelled) for your child to apply themselves.

PE Days

  • Outdoor - Tuesday afternoon

  • Indoor - Thursday morning


  • Art will be taught on a Wednesday afternoon. Don’t forget to bring your art shirts with you.


  • New homework will be set on a Tuesday, to be handed in the following Monday (starting 12th September).

  • Weekly blog’s will be published on a Friday.

  • Homework has been set for this weekend - it s all fun things to do!

You are always welcome to email us, should you have any concerns or questions:

Have a wonderful weekend.

Your Year 2 team,

Mrs Hotchkiss, Miss Bassett, Mrs Maano and Mrs Johnson