We cannot believe how quickly this half term has gone, between the hustle and bustle of Christmas preparation, as teachers we have been reflecting on our own and the children’s learning journeys so far. The first term in Year 3 can be a little daunting, new teachers, new routines and quite a jump in the work load but your children have take in their stride and have achieved so much, we are extremely proud of them. As we begin to wind down we will be asking the children to reflect on their year 3 journey so far…What have they enjoyed? What has been their favourite part of year 3 so far? What are they proud of? What would they like to achieve next term? How can they challenge themselves? This would be a great conversation to have at home and may give you a little insight into your child’s learning.

Our Advent worship was led by George, Alice, Rodnie, Jackson, Scarlett, Anna, Lettie and Myles. They spoke beautifully about John the Baptist and how he prepared people for the arrival of Jesus by baptising them. As a class we thought about how we are preparing for the celebration of the arrival of baby Jesus, we spoke about what Mary and Joseph had to do to prepare for Mary having a baby and how tired they must have been making their journey. The children led prayers thinking particularly about people in our community and further afield, around the world who may be finding this time of year a little difficult. We asked God to help us show kindness and generousness to our family, friends and community. Thank you children for a leading our Prayer and liturgy, you will be our Prayer monitors next week.
The children have worked extremely hard putting together the skills we have been practising into their adapted Green Children stories in English. After Christmas the children’s reading targets will be reset, let’s have a real push with reading this last week, let’s see how far the children’s rockets can soar. Our 100% club has been a huge success and will continue next half term - there is a temptation for the children to get through as many quizzes as they can but this has changed the focus from quantity to quality. The children know it’s better to answer questions about what they have read accurately to show their understanding rather than have a long list of books they have read and not really taken in or understood.
In History, the children investigated what happened to the 52 bodies found at Maiden Castle, an Iron Age Hillfort in Dorset. In teams they were given an evidence file of historical sources. They had to apply all of their historical knowledge and skills to come up with their own theory about what happened. They presented their findings to the rest of the class, using the evidence to support their claims.
In French this week, we consolidated this half terms learning by looking at the french artist Matisse and his use of colour and shapes in his work. We became mini artists and produced our own artwork and presented it to the class in french. The children were able to describe the shapes, their colour and sizes when presenting to the class.
Albert - For being a resilient and a determined writer in English. Albert we have been impressed with your focus and determination when writing your adapted story. You have shown an eagerness to grow your brain and use the skills you have learnt in your independent work. We are very proud of you, keep it up!
George C - For being curious, interested and engaged in History. George, you have wowed us this half-term with your questions and eagerness to learn as much as you can. It has been such a delight to teach you and your contributions to class discussions have enriched the rest of Year 3’s learning too! Well done George and keep thinking outside of the box!
This half term’s virtues are faith filled and hopeful.
Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Martha and Ava.
Christmas Cards -With the aim of being sustainable, we are encouraging the children to make a card for the class and not to give out one to every child.
KS2 Nativity/Carol Service - Monday 18th December 2pm and 6pm at Church, children to arrive at Church in full uniform at 5.45.
Year 3 Christmas Party Day - Tuesday 19th December (apologies for the wrong date last week)- children may come to school in their party clothes and sensible footwear. They may bring bottle of water and a packet of crisps or a chocolate bar.
Christmas Lunch - Wednesday 20th December
School closes for Christmas at 2pm on Thursday 21st December
Swimming Lessons - Lessons will now be on a Tuesday morning, starting the first week back.
Homework - We will not be setting any new homework for over the Christmas Holidays, other than regular reading and times table practise on TT Rockstars.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs Naylor, Mrs Marshall and Mrs Connolly