Year 6 Weekly Blog- “You are only as successful as you let yourself be"

‘Christ has no body now on earth but yours’ Saint Teresa of Avila

Yesterday we went to church to celebrate the Ascension of Christ as a whole school. Father Peter told us the quote of St Teresa of Avila, reminding us the commandment that Jesus shared with us- To Love One Another and that although Jesus is not present in body, that he works through us. It is a beautiful reminder that we simply need to love.

May is the month of Mary, a very special month where we will study and use Rosary beads to pray and remember the ministry, life and death of Jesus but also Mary, the mother of Jesus. Throughout May we will be learning about and praying the mysteries.

After working with the children this week, we feel nothing but pride. The way the children have come in to school every day and giving their absolute best, no matter how they are feeling on the inside, is truly amazing! Each one of them are overcoming barriers and challenges, no matter how big or how small and this process is making them see, that hard work, over a long period of time, really does pay off. This week we celebrated all the children, not on their marks of their final practice papers, but on the progress they have made and for some, this has been huge! We have worked SUPER hard this week on the areas we needed to, as well as an exciting visit to ‘The Grand’ watching ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’- we just finished the last chapter in time! It was such a treat to see all the characters and the story come to life on stage!

Going Forward …

Monday will be the start of the children’s SAT’s journey and they are extremely ready for this! There will, of course, be some nerves and anticipation this weekend on the run up, but the most important thing to do over the next few days is to relax, exercise, have plenty of sleep and eat healthily. We need those brains ready and raring to go! It would be a good idea if the children, did a little revision (small doses) to keep their learning ticking over, we have sent a short reading task to omplete over the weekend ready for Monday, a sentence function revision map to prepare them for their grammar on Tuesday, and some ideas of IXL for their maths. It may just give them a bit of practice and confidence before the week begins. On Friday, the children set up the hall ready for Monday, so they all know exactly what they are walking in to and where to sit - I think there was even some excitement by the time we left the hall!

Next week’s timetable is as follows so that you know which each day holds. Please ensure that your child is in school on time after a really good night sleep and a substantial breakfast…

Monday am: Grammar, punctuation and Spelling test.

               pm: Reading revision focus

Tuesday am: Reading test

                Pm: Maths revision focus

Wednesday am: Arithmetic and Reasoning 1 test

                      pm: Maths revision focus

Thursday am: Maths Reasoning 2 test

                  pm: read through of script

The following week: Monday will be auditions and Tuesday will be the interview for jobs around school (dress to impress)

Leading Learners

Well done to Charlie and Alexander this week.

Wow Charlie, you have come back after your illness with such a determined attitude to your work. You are showing us exactly what you can do when you put your mind to it. You have put such a lot of effort into your revision work this week and the results are clear to see. What a capable young man you are!

Alex, you have been so considerate and flexible towards your classmates this week. You have helped around the school when you are needed and have made a difference wherever you are. Whether in the classroom, or on the playground, you have looked after our younger pupils with kindness and patience. Thank you for being a terrific role model.

Learned and Wise butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are learned in their actions, finding God in all things. Those who are wise, who use their learning for the common good. These children are the role models of the school, who drive their own learning and who have the wisdom to know when and how to apply one’s learning. This week we thank Nicola for working for the common good of our classroom this week.

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Stanley

Role Model of the week … Anncia

This week we will take a break form helping in the mornings and start again the following week- thank you!


Thursday 16th May - End of year play read through

The Eco Council Green Day will be held on Friday 17th May- children to come in green and bring a pound. This is to raise funds to assist us in looking after our school grounds.

Monday 20th May- Auditions

Tuesday 21st May - Formal interviews with Mrs Gregan for positions around school. The children can come into school in formal interview wear. Dress to impress!

Have a wonderful and restful long weekend and thank you for your continued support.

Year 6 team