Year 2 Weekly blog (8/12/2023) "Everything that is done in this world is done in hope" Martin Luther King

The children have learnt the story of Christmas through our play. The main characters have to overcome their FEARS and DOUBTS and TRUST God. The children have also had to take a great leap of faith believing in themselves and learning what is possible when they work closely as a team. Earlier in the week things were tough, but we have stuck together and Mary and Joseph have arrived safely in the stable. The excitement is building now and we really can’t wait to share all our hard work with the community. Here are a few rehearsal action shots to give you a little peek!

Magic Moments on our Learning Journey

This week we have been writing! Mrs Hotchkiss is so excited about reading the next installment of the Wolf’s diary - this time he has been to the Three Bears Cottage! We are working so hard at noun phrases and opening a sentence with when! We are smashing our maths - we have to be able to explain why in maths and we are getting really confident at this now! In History we explored loads of artefacts from the Victorian era that helped us know what Florence Nightingale did and what she was like!

Then today the Christmas jumpers arrived and the cakes!!!! Here are our pictures!

Let’s Celebrate

Well it is almost impossible to choose which child should have the learning certificate!!! So tricky in fact, that the Year 2 Team have given 3 certificates this week!

Well done to:

Firstly, a resilient Sadie Spider for Xander - You have completed your writing independently and worked really well with your Shepherd team in the hall!

Secondly, Wren - your enthusiasm in class and during rehearsals has been infectious - thank you for being a wonderful Bobby Bee.

Finally, Dexter - you have faced some tough challenges lately but you have risen to them with gusto - we are all so proud of you! There is no Panic here!!!


Please make sure you have your tickets for the play next week. The dress rehearsal is on Monday. Then we have three performances:

Tuesday 9:30am: The Whole School

Wednesday 9:30am: Family

Thursday 9:30am: Family

Friday 15th - Going to Church to celebrate Advent with the Parish and our Year 5 learning partners. We would love family members to walk down with us and share this time as we prepare for Jesus’ Birthday. Can you come into school and wait in the reception area - we will set of asap as Mass begins at 9:30am


Monday 18th December - Key Stage 2 Christmas concert in church. Once again we will be walking down to church to watch the older children. If you are able to join us as we need extra adults that would be wonderful. We will be setting off from school at 1:20pm.

Wednesday 20th December. CHRISTMAS PARTY DAY. Dancing and games in the hall! Please wear your party clothes and bring to school a chocolate bar and drink (juice not fizzy) for a sweet snack. Hopefully Santa will hear our laughter and join us!

Thursday 21st - Final day school will finish at 2pm!

Have a wonderful weekend - we hope all your Christmas preparations go smoothly -

The Whole Year 2 Team