What can I say! It has been hard to hold back the tears of pride this week. I have to tell you that the KS1 teaching team were anxious on Monday as our dress rehearsal did not go as planned. However, the Holy Spirit moved with us and gave every child the courage and determination to do their part (big or small) to make our Nativity spectacular and memorable. The message was clear Jesus is here and he takes away our fear and doubt. The children have been amazing not only on stage but behind the scenes too. Each child went on to express their deeper understanding of the whole Christmas story in the RE lessons that followed the morning performances.
Thank you for being a wonderful audience laughing in all the right places, and helping the children with their lines. You are a special bunch of parents and grandparents.
Here we are in all our costumes!
What a team!!!
You may think that our play was our only magic moments but we went further. This week was ENRICHMENT week when the children are taught by another member of the teaching staff. Last time we did German with Mrs Hartley, this time we did science with Miss Drummond - changing states of matter!
As you can probably guess it was quite impossible to choose 2 certificate winners this week. Every member of the class has received a special Nativity certificate to say - Well done you exceeded yourself. When we came off stage on Thursday one of our shy children said to Mrs Maano “ I want to that everyday” - we had fun - but it came because we worked hard and hard work always pays off!
Monday 18th December - Key Stage 2 Christmas concert in church. Once again we will be walking down to church to watch the older children. If you are able to join us, as we need extra adults, could you email to confirm (l.hotchkiss @ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk). We will be setting off from school at 1:20pm.
Wednesday 20th December. CHRISTMAS PARTY DAY. Dancing and games in the hall! Please wear your party clothes (trainers/flat shoes for dance and play) bring to school a chocolate bar and full water bottle for a sweet snack. Hopefully Santa will hear our laughter and join us!
Thursday 21st - Final day school will finish at 2pm!
We hope your Christmas preparations are going smoothly - have a lovely weekend. See you on Monday. God Bless form the whole Year 2 team.