Year 2 weekly blog 24th November - "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."

As we await the coming of a little baby at Christmas- we celebrate Miss Bassett as she welcomes her own beautiful little girl!

Every child in Year 2 has needed to take a leap of faith this week - they have trust themselves to know their lines and together tell the greatest story. We have started our nativity now and we need to trust that our hard work will pay off. Each scene is reflected in our RE too. This week we explored the annunciation- understanding what great faith both Mary and Joseph had. How they both accepted God’s will with real courage and love.

Help us to listen to your will Lord.

How to help at home

Build up your child’s confidence with their lines. If they believe they can do it - magic happens! Please sing along too to this video- lyrics below too.

Magic moments of the week

Just too many! When reflecting on a wonderful week of deep thinking it was the Beach cleaning trip that springs to mind. The children were wonderful. We watched a video about microplastics in the oceans and understood why we were picking up so many tiny pieces of litter (as well as large). I cannot thank our wonderful parent volunteers enough!

Grow Your Brain Certificates went to:

Patrick for being a brave learner

Jude Clayton for being a resilient learn who is always ready -

managing those distraction so well!


PE on Tuesday outside - hats and gloves can be worn as we are focusing on kicking and football.

Monday homework handed in.

8th December - The Great Christmas Bake off- see posters around school

Our Nativity performances are on Wednesday 13th Dec and Thursday 14th Dec - Make sure you have tickets.

Have a lovely weekend from the Year 2 team