‘God gave you a fingerprint that no one else has, so you can leave an imprint that no one else can.’

I can’t quite believe we have reached the end of the first half term already but what a successful half term it has been! We couldn’t be prouder of Reception and how well they have settled in and remembered all of our routines already. Not only has their enthusiasm and positivity been amazing, but they have continued to show care and kindness towards each other as well. They are certainly fantastic role models for our school!

Reception have learnt so much this half term and it is wonderful to see how they are all growing in confidence as the days go by. They have definitely ‘grown their brains’ and deserve a good rest with friends and families over the half term.

What have we been learning this week…

We have continued our focus on God’s world and discussed how he has made each one of us to be different and special.
We used our unique fingerprints to create a beautiful class picture.

This week, as well as reviewing all of our previously learnt sounds, we have introduced the sounds c, k, u and b. We have focused on making the correct sound, identifying words that begin with the sound and writing the letter. We used fun rhymes to help us learn the correct letter formation and have continued to add lots of words to our sound book! This week the children have these sounds in their reading packets. I’m sure they will be excited to share what they have learnt with you at home. Please keep these sound cards in your child’s reading packet as we will continue to add sounds to them as we learn them.

Maths Mastery: This week we have focused on subitising and being able to instantly recognise quantities up to 4 when shown in different arrangements (e.g. a dice pattern). The patterns and arrangements were shown in a quick flash and we used our fingers to show the quantity. To deepen our understanding of how numbers are composed, we then talked about how we know the pattern shows three e.g. “because I see 1 here and two there” etc.

Internet Safety Day - On Tuesday, across the school we focused on Internet safety. In Reception we talked about what the internet is and how we must always ask a grown up or be with our trusted grown up when using the internet. We read the story ‘Digi Duck’s Big Decision’ which helped us to understand that it is important to make good choices when using the internet, just like we would in real life.

Kid Safe: This week, we started our Kidsafe programme. This is a series of lessons (used across the school) which teach children about keeping themselves safe. The focus of our first session was to share and begin to discuss things that we do to keep ourselves safe e.g. wear a seat belt, wear a helmet, hold the grown ups hand when crossing the road etc. We also spoke about the word trust and what it means.
(Please see the attached letter below which will give more details about the Kidsafe programme).

Let’s Celebrate!

Determined Sadie Spider: Oscar
Oscar you have blown us away with your determination this week. You have been a real Sadie Spider, especially during our phonics sessions. You thought of so many words beginning with our sounds that we almost filled the whole page! You have been a Sadie spider and a Tommy turtle with your letter formation as well and it is wonderful to see how proud you are when you see what you can achieve.
Well done Oscar!

Kiki Creative Chameleon: Rhys
Rhys, you have been a Kiki Creative Chameleon this week and thought about how you can use the things in our classroom to show and share your learning. You made a very creative cross for Jesus and told us all about your wonderful creation. I can’t wait to see what else you create.
Well done Rhys!

Important Notices:

  • Receptions’ ‘Stay and Play’ afternoons will be taking place over three sessions on Wednesday 9th, Thursday 10th and Wednesday 16th November from 14:10 - 15:00. This will allow us to invite grown ups into class in smaller groups giving you more time and space to engage in the classroom activities with your child. Soon you will receive an individual invite indicating which session to attend. We think this will be a wonderful opportunity to share all of our learning with you and the children will be very excited to show you their classroom!

    As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Have a wonderful half term,
God bless,

The Reception Team