Year 5 Weekly Blog- 'Sometimes the most productive thing to do is to relax'

We made it! After what seems a very quick 7 weeks of the year, we have made it to half term. The children have most definitely earned a week off.

The children have had an exciting final week which has consisted of having a full day of history, where they reenacted the battle of marathon and have now planned to write diary entries as both generals from the war. We have continued with decimal fractions in maths and have been using even more representations of tenths. We wrapped up our PE modules , where the children performed they finalised gymnastic routines, expressing both counter balances and mirroring positions.

Homework has been set for half term, which is available on the homework blog.

Have a relaxing and enjoyable half term. Stay safe and I will see you on 31st October.


School will open on Monday 31st October.

There will be no football or netball training and fixtures. These will resume in February.

Dance and Choir will resume as normal when we are back in school.