Year 6 Weekly Blog 'There's the whole world at your feet' Mary Poppins

Dancing, singing and laughing has most definitely been the theme for the week this week in Year 6! You are in for such a treat with their end of year play. When I watch them on stage now, I can’t believe some of them are the same children that started the play 4 week ago. Their confidence has grown so much and are now so much more comfortable on stage that they are bringing their characters fully to life! This week we have more or less completed the play, with just the final two songs left to stage, so next week we will be running from the top all the way through each day, to tweak any changes we may need to. Please make sure Year 6 spend some time this weekend going back over all of their lines, thank you. On Monday, we will be starting to try on our costumes to ensure children have got everything they need, so please make sure all items they need arrive in to school by this time. Thank you to all those who have sent in costumes and items already!

Year 6 have been so busy in class too, during play rehearsals, they have continued to work hard on their class novel ‘Wonder’, looking deeper in to the text by answering some tricky comprehension questions. Maths fluency and reasoning has continued with puzzles and problems and the children have started their local History study, researching the History of Blackpool and its famous landmarks.

Year 6 have excelled in their jobs around the school this week and the teachers have been praising them on their support within the classroom, in fact I think they wished they were in there permanently. They have sat with the children in their class at lunchtimes to help keep the noise levels down, they have been supporting them in their work, reading with children and even building towers in Reception…

Well done to Emma and Jessica

Thank you to both for being so focused in class, determined to work hard and complete any tasks given. You have been a great support to your peers and cooperative to all those you have worked with.

Final Notices:

Please can costumes be in school on Monday 4th July.

Mary Poppins performance: Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th July at 6:30pm.

Leavers Mass Tuesday 19th July 9:30-10:30am followed by the leavers day outing.

Wednesday 20th July- Break up at 2pm.

Have a lovely, restful weekend.