Year 3 Weekly Blog 'How will you be Christ's body here on Earth?'

I am sure those that watched Year 3’s assembly on Tuesday would agree that the children depicted the last supper beautifully, showing us the anxiousness of Jesus and His disciples for what was to come but also the love that Jesus must have had for all of us. A reminder that he left us with one very important message … that we are the work of his hands. Each one of them did so well, stayed in character and was extremely reverent in their delivery. We were so proud of them all.

We can’t believe how quickly this term has flown by, and with one term left, we are sure the next one will go just as quick. We are already looking forward to more exciting learning over the summer term and we know if they continue to work as hard as they are doing in class, their progress with soar! After Easter, for the first half term, Art session with be replaced by Food Technology sessions, which the children are very excited about. As the food preparation and making takes longer, each group will have a two hour session on a Monday on alternate weeks. Due to two bank holidays, this will mean they get two sessions each, starting with group 1 on Monday 25th April. For these sessions, the children will need to bring certain ingredients to school, so please have a look at the groups and ingredients for each of the sessions below.

This week, we have come to the end of our ‘Green Children’ folk tales unit, with the children writing every day a part to the story with a different grammar focus. They have been so focused in class, you could almost hear a pin drop. They have loved writing their weird and wonderful folk tale of the child in the vegetable plot, were so keen to get feedback on their writing and were so excited when we said we would take pictures of them with their work to show you …

Let’s Celebrate!

Once again as we reach the end of our term, we ask the children to reflect and chose our certificates. Once again, reading their comments for one another has been so heart warming and shows just how well they value one another as learners.

This term we have 4 children with equal votes:

Theo…“for improving your handwriting so much and for being really kind.”…“for being a Sadie spider and keeping on trying.“…“because you play nicely with me and smile at me.”

Millie… “for you are always very focused.”…“because you are a Clara clownfish and always share your ideas.”…“because you make me happy.”

Rafe…“for being so enthusiastic everyday.”…“for having brilliant manners.”…“because you have been a really nice friend to play with.”

Isaac…“for being a Tommy turtle because you have a go at everything!”…“for being so focused.”…“Always helping me learn by being calm and quiet during writing activities.”

Such lovely things said children, we agree with every single one of them!


  • If you haven’t already please sponsor your child as they Walk against hunger through paypal.

  • Back to school Tuesday 19th April