READING - Please read your novel daily. Enjoy be resilient and reach for your half term target.
MATHS - Please complete IXL long multiplication grid models F5 and F6
TIMES TABLE - Please keep practicing your TT ROCKSTARS daily for 5-10 mins
SPELLING - This week we have explored ant (sounds unt) and ancy. The adjective and the noun. Please log into your Purple Mash. Here you will find these spellings in a quiz. Make sure you learn them first.
Spellings to learn this week
PRACTICAL SCIENCE (James Dyson Foundation)
We have explored how light travels in a straight line. We have also explored reflection and how all objects reflect light either specular reflection or diffused (scattered). We know that we can control the reflection - moving the reflective surface. We are ready to explore how a periscope works. I have given everyone a mirror tile (blue reflection) it can be cut with scissors and has a sticky side (peel back).
Thank you for all your focus and resilience