Year 3 11.03.22 'Empathy is the medicine the world needs'

What a fantastic week we have had in Year 3! We have worked so hard and been such Bobby Bee’s in class, showing such enthusiasm and determination to improve our work! It was so lovely talking to some of you on Wednesday about your child’s learning and Mrs Harrison is looking forward to talking to the rest of you on 23rd March.

This week in English we have been looking deeper in to the characters in the modern fable ‘The Greenling’, developing our empathy of the characters and using our inference detective skills to find out more about these characters using role on the wall. We have been extremely impressed as Year 3 are now applying their knowledge of explaining our points, trying to use evidence of the text. In English, we have also taken a closer look at dialogue within a text and asked this out with our learning partners. I definitely think we have some budding actors in the class! During our Maths lessons the children have continued to work on their addition and subtraction skills, looking at strategies we can use to make 100 and applying these strategies when reasoning problems and puzzles.

On Thursday our classroom became full with apprentice electricians. The children worked together to make a circuit to light their bulb. Everybody showed great resilience as they problem solved, worked together and adapted their ideas. The buzz of excitement was just wonderful!

Let’s Celebrate!

Niamh…For always showing such wonderful focus and resilience towards your learning Niamh. You play such an active role during our lessons and have become much more confident during grouped activities. It has been lovely to see this confidence, during this weeks science experiment! You are a JOY to teach Niamh. Well done!

Rafe… What can we say? You are every single learning character and an absolute pleasure to teach! Your enthusiasm towards learning, your kindness towards your friends and your determination as you strive to reach your next goal… it is an absolute joy to see! We couldn’t ask anymore from you Rafe. A huge well done!


  • Don’t forget our open afternoon on Wednesday 16th March to look at your child’s learning. You book this through the form found on the last week’s blog on the discovery page.

  • Don’t forget the next parent meeting appointments are taking place on Wednesday 23rd March from 2:30pm - 5:30pm.