Year 1 Homework 8.09.23

This weekend I am sending home some Magic Moment leaves. These are providing you with the opportunity to share anything you would like to tell us about something good, polite, helpful or special that your child does out of school. It can be something as simple as folding up their uniform neatly, making their bed, working extra hard on their reading, using manners whilst out and about or achievements in and out of school clubs such as dancing, football etc.

We will share these in class giving your child a lovely opportunity to speak to an audience and be proud of their achievements. The leaves are then displayed on our tree on our classroom wall. Please don’t just fill them all in on day one. They are intended to be used only as and when they really do something special. Please let me know if you need any more.

We can’t wait to celebrate your child’s magic moments!

The children have all picked a book from our class library to take home and share with you this weekend. On Monday they will recieve their RWI reading book and once the children have completed their Star Reader test, they will have a reading book suitable for their reading ability, they can then select their own reading book. Please bear with us, we have had a few technical issues signing the children and myself on to the system, so it may take some time until it is all set up.

The children all have their own homework book. My first homework is for you to decorate it. Mrs Gregan has set the children a RE challenge can you go on a creation walk and discuss all the wonderful things that God has created? You can draw pictures, write about it or take a photo and put it in your homework book to share with the class.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond