Year 6 Weekly Blog 'Faith makes all things possible; Hope makes all things easy; Love makes all things work'.

Welcome back to our second half term together and this week has certainly gone with a bang! We have completed so much work in every single lesson, I really feel like we are flying! Thank you to all those parents who saw me on parents’ day. I always enjoy celebrating the children and to share just how well they have settled in to Year 6. We cannot ask the children to work any harder than they are doing, they just need to work smart too and produce the best work that they possibly can. Always use the opportunity to showcase just what you can do!

We start the half term, introducing our two new virtues … Faith filled and Hopeful. What better way than to introduce this, than with a beautiful child-led liturgy on friendship, having hope in one another and how to celebrate each other. Thank you to our wonderful gentlemen that led our class liturgy so beautifully…

On Monday, we were lucky enough to have a presentation on Venezuela by one of our very own pupils’ brother- how lucky are we to have a member of our class and a past pupil, who could speak with experience and so much depth about an area we are studying- we are so grateful to you! Thank you so much for a wonderful and interesting talk …

On Wednesday, we attended mass as a whole school to celebrate the feast of All Saints. Thank you to all the children who read so beautifully in Church. Maths has continued to operate at a really deep level in class with so many children showing elements of greater depth thinking on a daily basis, we have continued developing our mental strategies for addition and subtraction, finding missing numbers and answering some challenging problems and puzzles. We have continued our work on ‘The Nowhere Emporium’, working on our inferred answers this week and ensuring that they are detailed enough and justify our point. In Geography we have come to the end of our South America unit, where we have researched Deforestation and have nearly finished our e-books on a country in South America.


This week, we have completed our 4th Kidsafe lesson about keeping our private areas safe. Your children may wish to discuss this further with you.

Please click the button below to find out more detail about this lesson.


We have noticed that children are bringing in more and more unhealthy options to eat at their playtimes. This is just a gentle reminder that all snacks at playtime MUST be healthy and in line with our school policy. From next week, if your child is found with an item of food that has a high sugar or salt content, then they will be asked to go and put it back in their bag and they will not be allowed to eat it. Thank you for your support in educating our children to make the right choices in order to be healthy! Here are our ideas for some of example of healthy options, please click on the button below:

Leading Learners

Well done to Nicola and Jay this week.

Nicola, you have impressed us with your attitude to your work this week and your desire to improve. You have reflected on advice given and it has been a joy to watch you striving to reach these goals. We have been particularly proud of how you are challenging yourself on your reading and what a joy it is to see you taking ownership on your own learning- you are capable of great things Nicola, keep working hard!

Wow Jay, your resilience and determination have shone this week and what a difference it has made to your work. You are focused in class and have come back after half term with such a ‘I can’ attitude, never giving up and striving to be independent!

Helpers in the Mornings:

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Harvey Evan Owen Tabby


  • Please send children in full school uniform in line with our school policy, children will not be allowed to wear hoodies or jumpers that are not part of our school uniform.

  • Tuesday 14th November is our trip to Samlesbury Hall - please check ParentPay if you haven’t already

  • 17th November- please come to school in your PJ’s to raise money for Brain House.

  • 16th November 5:30pm- Curriculum Evening. We need helpers as Year 6 ambassadors. Please fill out the form below if you are able to come on the evening and help.

Have a lovely weekend all of you,

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker