Year 6 Weekly Blog 'Lest we forget'

At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. This week is always a poignant week as we stop and remember all of those fallen victims of war and conflict. On Thursday we put aside some time to reflect and contemplated as we looked upon our beautiful display of poppies coming down our chapel, sharing prayers for everyone who has been affected by war and conflict around the world.

The week has flown by and we have done so much exciting and challenging learning. We have read more of our class novel this week, explored how to make a successful circuit and experimented whether mateirals were conductors of insulators through our human circuit- it was all very exciting! In RE we have started our Justice topic, where we reflected on the meaning of this word and firstly what it means.

Our Mathematics this week has been on fire and we are no unstoppable at ‘shifting the difference’ to make our subtractions easier and more efficient and using our reasoning skills to tackle problems.Very impressive!

Here are a few of our magic moments…


This week, we have completed our 5th and final Kidsafe lesson, before our recap in summer term, about hearing parents/carers arguing. Please click the button below to find out more detail about this lesson.

As you are all probably aware, we have changed our first said system in school now, so that if your child has recieved a bump to the head/ or has had a bad graze then you will recieve a standard text mesage from school, as well as the letter. PLEASE do not be alarmed by this, this is just protocol, as we realise often letters get misplaced or do not always emerge from bags until the end of the week and we want to let you know. Letter do not need to be sent back now with a response. Thank you.

Leading Learners

Well done to Edi and Connor-Sean this week.

Connor-Sean, you are a delight to teach as you ALWAYS work so hard and do your best in any task we give you. You notice when others need help and are always first to offer your services. You have great resilience, and never give up on any tricky areas. You really brighten up our day!

Edi you are so focused and engaged during lessons, which is then reflected in your work. Your determintion to be the best you can be is clear to see. We love teaching you- what a star!!!!

Helpers in the mornings:

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Edi Harvey Lily-Mae Matilda


On Tuesday 14th November we are going on our Samlesbury Hall trip. Please make sure you pack your coats and packed lunches (unless you have ordered a school one). Can you also make sure you have paid on Parent Pay and filled in the following form:

16th November 5:30pm- Curriculum Evening. Please come along and learn with us. We love as many of the Year 6’s there to help as possible. If you haven’t already, please let us know whether your child can come along and help:

Art Next week- please can all children bring in a shoe box or a similar size box to their art lesson next Friday.

Borwick Hall residential payment is now live on ParentPay for those that wish to make smaller payments more frequently instead of a lump sum nearer the time.

18th November- please come to school in your PJ’s and bring a ‘furry friend’ to school- we just ask that you bring £1 with you to raise money for Brian House.

A huge plea- please could you check that a navy coat with a fury hood, and with the name ‘Cato R’ has not been broguht home by mistake.

Wednesday 22nd November - Flu Vaccinations = a reminder below of earlier posts incase you have not already stated consent or no consent:

This vaccination is recommended to help protect your child against flu. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and can cause serious complications. Vaccinating your child will also help protect more vulnerable family and friends by preventing the spread of flu. There may be rebound in flu levels this coming winter following low levels in the past 2 years as a result of COVID-19 restrictions.

Online Consent form: Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School

  • Please use the following link to access the online consent form:

  • Please quote the code for our school : BP119627

Please complete for both consent and no consent giving reasons

The Our Lady Christmas Bake Off!

See our poster and get involved! It is going to be so much fun!!!!

Travelling Nativity

Our Travelling Nativity has started it journey visiting your homes. It is yours to keep for one night only (unless you get it on a Friday) and then you must return it to Year 6. Please make sure that it is completely ready for another friend to enjoy the next day.

You will find instructions and a camera in the sack so that you can share photos of you enjoying the birth of Christ at home. We will download them each day on the return of the sack.

Have a lovely weekend all of you,

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Barker and Mrs Webster