Year 6 Weekly Blog ‘Autumn tells is the season that teaches us that change can be beautiful’

I can’t believe we have come to the end of our first half term in Year 6! It has gone by so quick, but what a start Year 6 have made. They have all grown so much in the last few weeks, developing their independence and reflecting on the areas they know they need to wok on- we couldn’t be more prouder of them. Make sure they get lots of rest this short break, so that they are ready and raring to go for another busy, run-up to Christmas. It has been so lovely to talk to you all at the parent’s meetings, celebrating the successes of each one of them.

We had a lovely start to the week welcoming prospective parents around the school. The Housecaptains and Head boy and Head girl did a wonderful job at showing people around the school and answering questions. We have now read up to chapter 10 of our class novel and it has definitely left us wanting more- I can’t wait to read more when we get back and find out just what Daniel’s next test will be! We have looked closer in to the characters, finding evidence from the book as to whether they are good or evil and have even wrote a diary entry as the main character. In Maths we are continuing with our ‘sum up’ strategy, compensating numbers to make tricky calculations easier to manage!

Over half term do you think you could help us on our Remembrance project within school, help us to make something beautiful…

Miss Woodend came in to speak to the children about choir starting after half term- it sounds very exciting! If your child is interested please go on to the engage section and choir to sign up. You could even choose your own song to sing! If you are doing dance on a Monday don’t worry, you can still join once it dance practices have finished.

Helpers in the mornings:

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Nicola Dominic Betsy Edi


  • Please send children in full school uniform in line with our school policy, children will not be allowed to wear hoodies or jumpers that are not part of our school uniform.

  • Wednesday 1st November we will be attending church for All Souls Day- please remember to send coats.

  • Please check the home learning section for homework over half term.

  • Tuesday 14th November is our trip to Samlesbury Hall - please check ParentPay

  • 16th November 6pm- Curriculum Evening. Please come along and learn with us. Some children may be asked to come and help on this night.

  • 17th November- please come to school in your PJ’s to raise money for Brain House.