Year 5 Home Learning to be handed in on Friday February 3rd


We are past half way now through the half term. A few children have reached their target how are you getting on? Please sustain your reading habits - reading everyday for progress and enjoyment.


Please continue to practice your tables on TT Rockstars - 5-10 mins daily. For those who have mastered TT and you’re already a rock legend. Please work through your IXL section D if you haven’t already

Maths IXL

Please complete IXL K4: find all the factor pairs. In addition IXL K10 square numbers

English - Grammar IXL English

Word Classes: please complete English EE1 which word is a noun? English KK3 which word is the adjective? English identify the adverb KK6

Science - continual observation

Please continue to keep a record of the moon and its phases - Thank you

Your continued focus and