Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 8th September 2021

This is your home learning tasks for this week. It is due in next Tuesday.

Decorate your homework book.

I like to learn more about you. Make your homework book interesting. Please ensure that your name is clearly visible.


This week in class, we started to have a look at Barnam. He was a big clue as to what our new novel is about. But what can you find out about him?

I have set you a TO DO on Purple Mash. What can you find out about him, especially his link to the circus?

Think about the standard and content of your work - I can’t wait to see what you produce.

Class Councilor

Do you want to be our councilor this year? Have you never done it before? Is this your year?

Prepare a presentation to the class ready for next Monday. You can be as creative as you want. Why should we vote for you to be our next councilor?