Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 13th October 2021


Please continue to practise the spellings that we have worked on this half term. Retrieval is key in Year 6, bank those spellings to use in writing next half term.


Please complete these IXL units of work before the end of half term.

BB.1, BB.2, BB.3, BB.4, BB.5, BB.8, BB.9, BB.10, BB.15, BB.16 AND BB.17



Next week we will be spending two days on our electricity unit of work. It is a short and practical unit.

Please complete two To Dos on Purple Mash:

  1. Who is Thomas Edison? What did he discover? What impact did he have on electricity?

  2. Electricity at home. How do you use the electricity at your home? Can you create an information page on how you use electricity? Show me images of your electricity at home.