Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 10th March 2021

HW Week 5.PNG

Spelling - here are your spellings for this week.

Learn them ready for a quiz next week and complete the dictation task that has been set for you on Purple Mash.

Area and perimeter.png

Maths - Area and Perimeter Quiz on Purple Mash

Thinking about our work that we have completed on area and perimeter, can you complete the set of questions that I have set you on Purple Mash. Think carefully, jot and quiz.

Science - Blood


What is blood? Why do we need it? What does it do?

TASK 1 - Read the website below and think about the main points - what is important information? I have set you a TO DO on Purple Mash for you to record your findings.

TASK 2 - Can you find your pulse? Practise this week to find your pulse in your wrist.

TASK 3 - We need 10 2ltr bottles for next Tuesday. If you have one at home, please can you bring it in.