Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 24th March 2021

Here is your home learning for this week. Last week’s homework was exceptional and the bar was raised. I have included some excellent examples onto the display board above for inspiration.


silent letters spelling.PNG

This week, your spellings focus on silent letters.

Complete the dictation and practise the spellings at home.


Well done to the children who became masters this week in IXL. You have worked really hard.

IXL Masters.PNG

This week, you have three IXL strands to complete. Two of them are revision and you should be fairly quick at completing them, the second one is consolidating volume.

BB.1 - What is the 3D shape?

BB.2 - Count vertices, edges and faces.

CC.10 - Volume of figures made up of cubes.



What are the effects of caffeine on the body? We have looked at exercise as a way to keep our body healthy but let’s start looking at the effect of certain things. In class we have looked at smoking and alcohol…but what about caffeine? This week I would like you to research and produce a information page all about the effects of caffeine on the body.

Answer these questions as part of your information page:

  • What is caffeine?

  • What does caffeine do to the body?

  • Which food and drinks contain caffeine?

  • Interesting facts

Here are two websites that will help you with your research