Year 5 Home Learning to be complete for Friday 10th Dec


As always reading takes priority the more fluent and confident we are - the greater the impact on every curriculum area. Please make reading pleasure and a joy - a time everyday to relax.


Column subtraction. Almost everyone has transferred their understanding of this strategy from Year 4 - however it is tricky and requires a great deal of sustained concentration. A quiet place with time to spare is required for this one. C5 IXL

Computing /Geography


This is your opportunity to apply all the learning you did last half term on Databases. Complete a database for "rivers of the world" using the data you collected on your table last week.


Please complete the science task set in purple mash the instructions ask:

Can you place arrows showing two forces acting in opposite directions. Then use the language we have used in class (friction, fluid friction, air resistance, gravity push and pull) to help with a brief explanation?


We have been practicing one of our songs this week - O Holy Night. I have attached the backing track here and the words for the children to practice. A week on Monday we will be attending morning mass and then singing on the altar (recording it for you).

O Holy Night.MP3

Thank you so close to Christmas - we have worked hard - keep going