Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 16th March - REVISION

Message to Parents

This year really is flying! The children are being asked to work incredibly hard in class and our pace of learning is incredible. As always, the children are rising to every challenge that they are being set.

After this week, we have 7 weeks until our assessment week. Maintaining a balanced curriculum is really important to me. They have to experience learning in all of the other subjects as well as the increased focus on maths and english. There has been huge progress made in these areas because the children are so motivated and determined to do well. Each morning, children visit the revision boxes in the classroom and help themselves to the resources that they know they will need to consolidate in each subject area. The revision folders that the children have should be now bursting with material.

Intrinsic motivation and the children being determined to succeed will inevitably lead to their success. Effort breeds success.

Please do get in touch if you need any more support. I had so many conversations with you at the book look in the hall and parents’ evening - your constant support is appreciated!


Next week you will be taking your next set of papers in the run up to SATs. I have absolutely no doubt that you will make progress due to the effort and work that you are putting into your class work.

SPELLING - Revise all of your spellings from your spelling book. Which words are you finding tricky? Is there a particular rule?

GPS - You have two short papers to work through at home. Are you comfortable with all concepts? What could you research further? Could you use IXL for further consolidation?

MATHS - I have given you an arithmetic paper (this is where you can increase your scores) and you should have chosen an extra area of maths. I have added White Rose Home Learning to the button below. You can watch videos to help you in any area of maths that you are not sure about.

READING - Have a look at previous papers…where have you lost marks?