Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 23rd February 2022

SPELLING FOCUS - Hyphens. Next week we will be looking at hyphens in GPS. Learn these spellings ready for next week.

high-spirited, life-size, brother-in-law, empty-handed, single-minded, three-dimensional, follow-up,

ultra-violet, short-change, old-fashioned, well-known, corn-fed, self-service, round-trip, off-peak

Can you find out what the job of a hyphen is? What is its purpose?

MATHS - Arithmetic Focus.

Have a go at the half arithmetic paper that is in your revision folder. Think about the areas that you struggled with last time. Can you correct them on this paper? You may want to time yourself too? Remember to be as accurate as you can.

Look at your jottings - are you being accurate?


  1. County quiz - can you label all of the counties of England?

  2. A fact file about England - create a DETAILED fact file about our own country. What information can you find out and add in.

POTIONS - Can you make yours?

Why don’t you create your own potion at home? Think about the ingredients that you will need and make it up? Can you make a film or a poster advertising your potion?