Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 5th January 2022

Spelling - Please can you recap the spellings from the last 3 homework ready for a random test next week?

decision, collision, Asia, discussion, revision, impression, expansion, vision, transmission, obsession, passion, recession, expansion, permission, comprehension, admission, tension, profession, possession, impression, collision, revision, confession, progression, direction, explanation, competition, cautious, especially, appreciate, ancient, delicious, subtraction, politician, infection, international, crying, reliable, busily, happiness, heavily, beautifully, mysterious, applied, business, heavier, copier, happily.

Maths - It is essential that you know your times tables really, really well.

Visit your HEAT MAP on Times Table Rockstars. Which times tables do you need to focus on? Which ones do you need to ensure you know as quick as the others? Can you get your speed down to less than 2 seconds per table.


This week we are starting our new unit of work on EVOLUTION AND INHERITANCE. To start with, what do you know about adaptation and how have animals adapted to the environment that they live in? I have set you a To Do on Purple Mash. Use the template to find 6 different animals explaining to me how they have adapted to their environment. Find a range of animals from a range of habitats.

Storyboard That - INVESTIGATION

Over the next few weeks, we will be using STORYBOARD THAT to help us tell the story of Romeo and Juliet. Have a play around with it for homework. What comic strips can you create? What characters can you include? See what you can create?