Exciting News!

Year 3 will be going on a trip on Monday 8th November, as part of our Stone Age History topic. It is going to be a fun, jam-packed day, of shelter building, fire lighting and much more! This trip is an amazing day out, that really helps the children to see what life was like during the Stone Age period and how people survived. The day will be spent at Brockholes, Preston and the entire day will be spent outdoors, which we know the children will love. Obviously, with the trip taking place in November (we are being brave!), this will mean the children will have to wear suitable clothing, dressed for the weather and the outdoors. Children, on this day, may wear their own clothes, that they are not bothered about getting dirty. They will need to wear warm, waterproof clothing and boots or wellies. We will be leaving 9am and arriving back at school at 3pm, which means children will need a packed lunch for the day. If your child usually has a hot dinner on this day, then a packed lunch will be provided by Jackie, but we would need to know the choice of filling for the sandwiches the week before. The total cost of the school trip is £15, which covers the cost of the trip itself and the transport. Please can this be paid before half term, via Parent Pay.

Many thanks.