Year 6 Remote Learning - Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Good morning Year 6. I hope that you had a fun day learning yesterday and you started to think carefully about what makes you healthy.

Zoom Help Desk - don’t forget to book in with me if you want a 1:1 session tomorrow.

Here is our weekly overview and our timetable for today.

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‘Kindness is a gift that everyone can afford to give.’

For the next two weeks, I want us all to think about kindness and how we can make each other smile. I will be setting you all some small challenges that I know will have a big impact. Keep an eye on your emails and on our daily blog, but start thinking kind. What can we do to be kind? What small acts of kindness will brighten up someone’s day?

I have set you a kindness mission today - check your emails!

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Please continue to devote some time to down time this week…keep up the non screen activities and send me some photos.

English - Newspaper Outcome 1 - The Death of Prince Otto

Today we are writing the headline and the introductory paragraph. After the writing lesson, we will be recapping the use of inverted commas ready for tomorrow’s lesson.

Video 1 - Outcome 1 writing. Watch the video carefully and then write your own headline and introductory paragraph.

Video 2 - The rules of speech. This is a revision lesson. You might want to make notes so that you know the difference between direct and reported speech. This will come in handy for our lesson tomorrow.


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Keep practising those spellings. Tomorrow, you will have a task that links to the spellings for this week.


Please continue to read First News…it will help you to write your own newspaper articles this week.

MATHS - Dividing fractions - have you figured it out?

  1. Rockstars for 10 minutes.

  2. Fluency

  3. Dividing fractions task in your books

Science - Healthy body - What are the key parts of a healthy diet?

This is a two day task with 3 tasks to complete. You can choose the order that you complete the tasks and design your own timetable for the next two days.

Today, I have decided to give you another teacher for your science - just to mix it up a little bit.

Join Miss Hummel from Oak Academy as she takes you through the key parts of a healthy diet. Makes notes throughout her lesson on the food groups that make a balanced diet.

Task 1 - Food groups. Can you make an information text about the different food groups that you have learnt about?

Task 2 - Can you design a healthy plate of food? Think carefully about the different food groups and whether your meal is balanced.

Task 3 - Why is important that we drink water to keep hydrated? Use the following websites to research and then present your findings on the Purple Mash document that I have set.

French - Food and Drink

In line with our healthy eating and healthy body learning, can you follow this BBC Bitesize lesson on food and drink in French.

PE Challenge - Home Court

This is a game of reaction and speed. Follow my video to see me take part and then show you how to set it up on your Apple devices.

Let me see your videos (you can download them and save them to your devices after you have had a go) and tell me your scores.

Can you beat me? Have a go this week and let me know how you get on.

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