Year 6 Remote Learning - Monday 1st February 2021

Welcome to our new week of learning. This week is all about writing a newspaper as Outcome 1, learning how to divide fractions and then starting our new science unit of work. I wonder what you all voted for.

I have set you a fun PE challenge this week…let me know how you get on!

There is lots of little bits and pieces to the learning for today…have fun!

Zoom Help Desk - On Wednesday, you can book in with me for 1:1 help and support with your learning. I know many of you this week may need some support with your writing or your maths. I am here if you want to chat things through or even if you want to touch base with me. I have sent you all an email about this. Email me back if you would like an appointment slot and I can book you in.

Here is our weekly overview and our timetable for today.

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‘Kindness is a gift that everyone can afford to give.’

For the next two weeks, I want us all to think about kindness and how we can make each other smile. I will be setting you all some small challenges that I know will have a big impact. Keep an eye on your emails and on our daily blog, but start thinking kind. What can we do to be kind? What small acts of kindness will brighten up someone’s day?

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Please continue to devote some time to down time this week…keep up the non screen activities and send me some photos.

English - Newspaper Outcome 1 - The Death of Prince Otto

Before we write anything, we need to gather the content to help us write. Today we will be analysing the story around the prince’s death. Who said what? What are the facts? What could the headline be?

Let’s gather the 5 Ws.


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To go alongside our writing, we will be practising our spellings this week. Today I will give you the list of spellings, then on Wednesday you will have a task and then Friday a quiz.

It is important that our writing showcases your spellings. Look at them carefully and try and use them in your sentences so that they become familiar.

Clockwork - Part 3 continued

Visit the Clockwork class blog - after listening to this part of the story, what do you think the ending to this story will be?


Please continue to read First News…it will help you to write your own newspaper articles this week.

MATHS - Consolidating fractions and dividing fractions.

Welcome to a new week for maths. This week, we are focusing on dividing fractions…it is not as tricky as it sounds. First, I want you to practise the skills that we have been working on over the last 3 weeks (addition, subtraction and multiplication). Work in your books and send me a photograph of your work on Purple Mash.

Don’t forget your fluency and Times Table Rockstars!

Science - Healthy body - How can we keep healthy?

Today we start our new unit of work on the human body. We will be starting off by looking at keeping our bodies healthy before focusing on the skeleton, digestive system and then the circulatory system. As always, I want to know what you know first.

Task 1 - 2Connect, how do we keep our body healthy?

Task 2 - Mashcam as a sailor - what experiences have you had of scurvy?

PE Challenge - Home Court

This is a game of reaction and speed. Follow my video to see me take part and then show you how to set it up on your Apple devices.

Let me see your videos (you can download them and save them to your devices after you have had a go) and tell me your scores.

Can you beat me? Have a go this week and let me know how you get on.

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