Year 6 Remote Learning - Monday 25th January 2021

Good morning Year 6. I hope that you have had a lovely weekend and managed to get some downtime ready for this week’s learning. As always, please keep in touch and send me your work so that I can see where you are up to and how you are getting on.

Here is our weekly overview…a little bit more detail for you for our online week.


And here is our timetable for today!

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At this moment in time, due to the nature of the circumstances, online learning is the only way that I can record and deliver lessons. I am aware that we are all spending time on computers and devices, much more than we usually would. This week I want to see photographs of you taking screen breaks. I have put some ideas above about what you could do…but this is important. Make sure you give yourself breaks during the day and relax your brains.

Clockwork Reading Groups

Reading groups.PNG

As we have one section of Clockwork left to read, I would really like to hear your opinions on the book so far and your predictions for our final part. On Wednesday 27th January (this Wednesday), I would like to hold 15 minute Zoom meetings in small groups for a book discussion. Here are the groups and the times of your book meeting with me. I will send out Zoom invitations to your Purple Mash emails on Tuesday.

This will be a good opportunity to really discuss the book and to outline our writing unit that is coming up.

English - Frankenstein WANTED POSTER

Firstly, if you have not submitted your character description of Frankenstein’s monster, please can you do it today. I want a full folder of work to have a look at and add to your portfolio. Thank you.

Frankenstein image.png

We know that Frankenstein’s Monster ran off into the night - Dr Frankenstein then went looking for him.

Task 1 - Can you create a WANTED poster for the monster? What would Dr Frankenstein put on the poster? What language might he use? Would he offer a reward?

Be creative! Think about the format of your work - font, colour, allignment

Task 2 - Listen to the next part of our Clockwork Story - to the end of Part 2. Visit Purple Mash to complete the blog question. Respond to other comments too.

This week we are going to become budding journalists and learn what it takes to write newspaper reports. Newsround is a fantastic website where you can read news articles from all over the world. Have a look at it today and find an article that interests you.

MATHS - Multiplying Fractions

We have to know our tables really well for this next section of work….how well do you know yours?

10 minutes on TT Rockstars please to get warmed up - GO!

Task 1 - Fluency. Watch the video and complete your fluency on Purple Mash today. Check my fluency, have I got it right? Any mistakes?

Task 2 - Complete the multiplying fractions in your book today and send me a photograph of your work via Purple Mash.


Follow the lesson below and make notes on all of the language that you come across: meander, tributary, mouth, source etc.

In the UK, we have some wonderful UK rivers - which ones have you visited or would you like to visit? Visit Purple Mash for your Fact File To Do - What I have found out? What have you found out about your UK river? Think about…

UK Rivers.PNG
  • Source of the river

  • Mouth of the river

  • Where does the river flow through? Counties, cities, towns?

  • Length and measurements of the river.

PE - Rainbow Scavenger Hunt

Can you get out and about this week? Or even complete this in your house? Make a collage of the photographs that you take.