Year 6 Remote Learning - Monday 18th January 2021

Welcome to your new week of home learning. Thank you for your wonderful efforts and your class council contribution on Friday, it was lovely to see you all.

Finally, please send me photographs of you working at home so that I can add them to the weekly blog at the end of the week. We can have a mixture of in school and home learning to share. This will be wonderful! I definitely want to see more from you working at home. If you just want to send me a photograph of your work in your book…that is fine too!

Here is our timetable for today!

English - Clockwork Part 1

Clockwork - Part 1

Today is a listening and responding lesson. I gave you permission to read the final part of Part 1 over the weekend. Some of you may have done and some may not. Today is a video of me reading this part and stopping at different points to discuss.

Task 1 - Using foil, can you make your own Sir Ironsoul figure? Think about the detail in the book and how you could bring him to life? Please can you send me your photographs of your work.

Task 2 - I have set you a musical To Do on Purple Mash. Can you compose your own Flowers of Lapland piece of music? Think about the type of music that would make Sir Ironsoul move. The piece should be haunting and sinister…just like the mechanical figure.

Task 3 - Visit the Clockwork blog on Purple Mash and contribute to our new question. Can you make a connection?

MATHS - Addition of Fractions

10 minutes on TT Rockstars please to get warmed up - GO!

Today we are adding fractions together. There is a lot of modelling in this lesson so there is an opportunity to stop and start the video and to go over what I have shown you.

Please complete your fluency and addition of fractions and hand them in.

EXTENSION IF YOU WOULD LIKE FURTHER PRACTISE - click the button for further practise adding fractions of a different denominator. The answers are on the second page. Complete in your book and then check your work.

Pizza toppings.PNG

FUN FRACTION WEEKLY TASK - Each week I am going to set you a fun fraction task that can be completed over the course of the week. This week it is pizzas! Can you make a pizza using your knowledge of fractions to organise the toppings? For example, half may be cheese and tomato, a quarter mushroom, an eighth onion and an eighth pepper? You choose and send me a photograph of you with your fraction creation! The children in school have been set the same challenge.

Make your pizzas delicious!

GEOGRAPHY - UK Mountain Ranges

Have you ever been for a walk up a hill? Or even a mountain? Can you send me a photograph of you there?

In today’s lesson, you will be researching the height of mountains in the UK and collecting data. Once you have collected the data, I would like you to produce a graph to show your work.

PE - Get outside and be active!

It is looking like rain this afternoon so try and get yourself outside this morning for some fresh air. Go for a walk to clear your head and get ready for the week ahead.

Why not try the following yoga class? We had a lot of fun following it in school