Year 6 Remote Learning - Thursday 7th January 2021

Welcome to Day 2 of Home Learning. Watch my welcome video so you know what to expect today.

Finally, please send me photographs of you working at home so that I can add them to the weekly blog at the end of the week. We can have a mixture of in school and home learning to share. This will be wonderful!


I am aware that there is an issue with children knowing each other’s passwords for Purple Mash and other online platforms. No body should be logging onto anybody else’s account and accessing their work or sending messages from somebody else’s account. I have asked Purple Mash if it is possible for me to get the times that everyone is online and using Purple Mash.

If anybody feels that they need their password changing for Purple Mash, please email me and I will send you a new password over.

This is incredibly serious and I will take this seriously. Please be respectful of each other. We have completed our online safety password lessons - you all know how to behave online.

Daily tasks to complete

  • AR Reading. You can quiz at home and I will be keeping an eye on those targets and quizzes. I am expecting to increase targets later on this week. The button below will take you to the website so that you can quiz.

  • Times Table Rockstars

English - Clockwork Lesson 1

I hope that you enjoyed the opening of the book and that your mind is whizzing!

Today’s lesson is based upon the vocabulary that you collected yesterday.

I look forward to seeing your contributions to the class blog and your work submitted on Purple Mash.

Maths - Comparing and ordering fractions

Today you have a fluency task and then some work to complete. Upload the photographs of your work onto the document provided on Purple Mash. I look forward to seeing what you get up to.

Use Maths is Fun as an extension - there are some questions to have a go at.

This button here will take you to a website called Maths is Fun. It explains every mathematical concept in a detailed and progressive way. Do not worry if you find simplifying fractions hard, we will be constantly revisiting it throughout the next few weeks. This website will help you understand simplifying better and will give you some extension questions.

RHE - What are your gifts and talents?

Draw a picture of yourself and label with all of your gifts and talents. What makes you you? We can then share these and celebrate them. Email me your images.

RE - The Mass. To know that Jesus is the bread of life

This is an independent lesson all to start off our RE unit of work. Take yourself through the lesson and respond to the tasks that I have set on each page.

You will have to think deeply. This is a proper Year 6 unit of work. Use the scanned textbook below and I look forward to seeing what work you produce.