Year 6 Remote Learning - Wednesday 6th January 2021

Welcome to day 1 of your remote learning and our new way of learning for the next few weeks. All I ask is what I ask of you every day in school. Try your hardest and ask questions. Myself and Mrs Webster are here every single day so we can support you…from a distance. You will be required to submit work daily so we can see how you are getting on. For now, enjoy your work and send me some wonderfully creative work.

Home learning will be a little different this time around because half of you are at home and half are at school. I have made sure that every day, you will ALL be learning the same things and accessing the same lessons so that everyone is on the same page. Please come and pick up your home learning books from school. They are sat in the worship area waiting for you.

Please keep an eye on your Purple Mash feedback. Both myself and Mrs Webster will be looking at work throughout the day and will respond to the work that you send it. Please take on board the feedback and edit and improve your work. The whole country will be bombarding Purple Mash over the next few days so please be patient if it is glitching or running slowly. It needs time to cope with the demand.

Finally, please send me photographs of you working at home so that I can add them to the weekly blog at the end of the week. We can have a mixture of in school and home learning to share. This will be wonderful!

Daily tasks to complete

  • AR Reading. You can quiz at home and I will be keeping an eye on those targets and quizzes. I am expecting to increase targets later on this week. The button below will take you to the website so that you can quiz.

  • Times Table Rockstars

English - Clockwork Lesson 1

‘Once you have wound them up, nothing will stop them.’

I love the book Clockwork and I am excited to share it with you. Today is all about prediction and making connections when collecting language.

Enjoy the lesson and I look forward to seeing your 2connect on Purple Mash later on.

Maths - Simplifying fractions day 1

Let’s start where we left on and carry on as we mean to go on.

Today you have a fluency task and then some work to complete. Upload the photographs of your work onto the document provided on Purple Mash. I look forward to seeing what you get up to.

This button here will take you to a website called Maths is Fun. It explains every mathematical concept in a detailed and progressive way. Do not worry if you find simplifying fractions hard, we will be constantly revisiting it throughout the next few weeks. This website will help you understand simplifying better and will give you some extension questions.

Computing - Networks Lesson 2

Tim Berners Lee.PNG

This week we started to look at networks and the difference between the World Wide Web and the Internet. Today I would like you to research Tim Berners-Lee and create a fact file about him.

Follow the prompts on the page and answer the questions as part of your fact file. The web pages you use provide an enormous amount of information, make sure you translate this into your own words.

Yoga - have a go at this week’s session

We like Cosmic Kids. What can you do at home?