Year 5 Friday 5th February Remote Learning

Good Morning Year 5,

Today we come together school and home! looking forward to seeing everyone at 10 O’clock.

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Short maths this morning 10 minutes on your Rockstars and then D21 and if your a whizz D22!! This links nicely with yesterdays lesson!


Today Bella and Mark will lead council. Remember you zoom invite has been sent to your Purple Mash email account!


Let us investigate words ending in cious shus - this lesson always seem appropriate as our school motto is “You are precious in my eyes”. Mrs Hotchkiss is going to be the little Alien today! I would make an excellent alien - making children complete work with my mesmerizing eyes!

 LESSON 4 RE - Sir Tom Moore

I had originally planned to reflect on the life of Father Pedro. But is seemed more fitting to reflect on the passing of Sir Tom Moore. On Wednesday we stood and clapped this man who inspired us all, brought us together and said the most uplifting of words. This week he passed away. I have a lovely News report about Sir Tom and some great questions. You will notice in the article was written before he raised a lot more money. How much did he raise? The act of walking at such a great age seemed so small, but is often the small acts that hold the greatest love. Once you have complete the task below- can you spend some time

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Have a lovely family focused weekend and thank you soooooo much for all your hard work- Mrs H xx

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